Kalina's path

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I got messages from people about Patriot speaking in bold, so I'm bringing it back for now and seeing how it goes.

Sorry for any spelling errors. My tiredness has caught up with me tonight.

Let's get back to it!


"At ease, Sisters," Patriot announced calmly but with a deep, commanding voice. His weapon lowered but held firmly with one hand and the other raised as a sign of peace. 

Patriot's objective was to secure something valuable for the Enclave, and he was informed of an ally in the form of a fighting force at the service to the Goddess Kjarr. Still, not even Patriot could have foreseen the sight before him. 

He found himself walking into a large open area surrounded by bombed-out buildings and towered over hundreds of women in black and white power armour, all pointing ornate and wicked-looking weapons at him. 

All these armoured ladies were glaring at him in suspicion and confusion. 

Patriot expected a ragtag group of women with cobbled-together firearms, melee weapons, and mismatched armour, not a well-equipped fighting force that currently eyed him up and down with angry snarls on their faces. 

"My daughters will be at ease when we know who... or what you are," A mature woman in ornately decorated power armour walked through the crowd of angry women and stood before Patriot with little concern.

Patriot could see this was the leader; her armour, weapons, and how she talked and carried herself spoke volumes. The power halberd she carried looked menacing, but he had faith in his protection if this was to come to violence. 

The leader of the Battle-sisters eyed Patriot up and down as her snow leopard tail swung around in annoyance. The height difference would amuse many people, but Patriot's size or his weapon did not even faze the mature woman. *Cough*

"Captain Patriot, Wendigo Chapter, In service of the Enclave and our undying lord, the Chapter Master Farsight," Patriots's deep voice echoed around the area. If it were anyone else, they would have been intimidated, but the sisters only looked more prepared to attack.

"Mother-Superior of Kjera's sisters of battle, you are a soldier of Commander Farsight?" 

Patriot nodded to the Mother-Superior.

"Hmmm, Commander Farsight... Kjeragandr's favoured, very well..." Mother-Superior looked at her soldiers and shouted, "Stand down, my Daughters!" 

All the armoured women lowered their weapons as one and relaxed at the command of their leader, but they never once took their eyes off the armoured man, and just as many continued to glare at him.

"Why are you here, Captain?" 


Mother-Superior glares at him, "Are we not allied with the Enclave?" She said matter-of-factly.

"We... Are allied, yes."

"Then you will understand when I say 'classified' doesn't cut it."


"I am looking for Blueprints that were lost in this city long ago," Patriot admits casually, while he could not divulge the contents of what the Blueprints are meant to contain, but enough to keep his ally content.

"What a coincidence, because so are we..." Mother-Superior mutters and stares at Patriot with narrowed eyes.

Patriot was surprised; how could this lady and her followers have known about Mal's secret weapons platform blueprints?

Ex-Doctor Of Rhodes IslandHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin