revelation and retribution

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Zarah's pov
The next morning

The sun rays started to pick in through my curtains, waking me up from my peaceful slumber feeling at peace with what a beautiful day it was, the sun shining, the birds singing, the trees dancing with the wind. all of the sudden memories from yesterday started flooding my brain all at once as soon as he entered my sad excuse of a husband that joy I felt long gone, all that was left in my heart was the everlasting hatred I will forever have for this man then remembering my plan I smiled at him as I noticed the tray of food in his hand as he walked towards me with that sickening smirk that I once found adorable now looking at that face just makes me want to punch him
     As he makes his way towards the bed greeting me good morning I smiled and thanked him for the food he brought then he said he had to talk to me about something so I dropped my food beside me on the bed and tried to pay attention to him without getting angry all over again and slapping the shit out of him so I sat there with the fakest smile I could conjure and said yes darling as he told me he and amara had to travel for a last minute work trip I decided to make him feel uncomfortable in that moment and told him about how I was going to start working from home to help improve our marriage and how I wished he would spend more time with me instead of amara and at his job because I love him and I want our marriage to work instantly I saw how uncomfortable he had become as his face started to change looking guilty like he wanted to apologise for something,
      So I decided to torture him more by saying am not saying I don't trust u or amara because you guys are my soul mates and I love both of you but I just really want us to be like how we were when we first got married and he looked like he wanted to bust out crying from guilt, instantly he started apologising for making me feel like I had to fight for our marriage and how his sorry and that after this work trip he would make up for everything and go on a leave of absence  from work so we can fix our marriage together so I simply nodded at his words and helped him take his bags to the car
      As soon as he drove off, I entered the house and got dressed in my outfit

 all of the sudden memories from yesterday started flooding my brain all at once as soon as he entered my sad excuse of a husband that joy I felt long gone, all that was left in my heart was the everlasting hatred I will forever have for this man ...

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      Then sat in my car driving to my favourite cafe as u sat there motionless, my hands idly tracing the rim of my iced frappe, the cafe bustling with life around me but the clamour of voice and clinking of dishes seemed distant almost irrelevant as I went over the events of the past day of the truth I just unearthed a truth so profound it  had eclipsed my whole world in a matter of hours, xavier her husband  the man that had been the love of her life had cheated on her with amara her bestriend for more than a decade nearly seventeen years
            Torn between rage and heartbreak, I  felt a decisive energy growing within her. They had both betrayed her in the most intimate of ways, and she couldn't let this duplicity slide quietly into the melancholy narrative of her life. As she gazed out of the café window, watching people pass by, engrossed in the normalcy of their lives, i made a choice. It wasn't just about revenge; it was about justice and equilibrium.

      Amara husband, rome, was still in the dark, just as she had been until yesterday. The thought of rome, whom , even though he had some sort of emity towards me, is still oblivious to the clandestine deceit of his wife, i spurred  into action. I would not let him languish in the same web of lies I  had been entangled in.

I picked up my phone, my fingers resolute as they dialed rome's number. She hesitated at the last digit, her heart pounding. This would change everything – not just for me, but for rome, too. With a deep breath that tasted of the resolve, I pressed the call button.

     Rome answered with his usual blank deep voice, unaware that I was about to turn his life upside down as he asked who was on the phone so I replied hey rome it's me zarah xaviers wife could you please meet me at Adrian's cafe on the highway as he replied his usual tone  like I was disturbing him not being able to handle it I asked the question I had being dieing to know why don't you like me he sounded shocked for a second then replied that xavier had told him that I am the one that did not like his pessimistic attitude  and instantly I replied and said no I found his pessimistic attitude endearing and funny and that xavier told me that you found me to preppy and clingy so u did not like me he said that he found my attitude to life quite endearing and he liked that I was clingy that it showed I cared so I told him that we have alot to discuss about and he should please meet me at the cafe before saying goodbye as he said he would be here in three minutes sounding as confused as I was so I waited wanting to just break down all over again
      As he walked towards the door, instantly commanding the attention of the room with his large frame. Without trying as his arm and neck tattoo on display in his outfit

 Without trying as his arm and neck tattoo on display in his outfit

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As he reached me at my table asking if everything was alright I said no and instantly broke down crying as all the pain I had been holding in since yesterday finally unleashed as he was so shocked at my sudden tears not knowing what to do as he just pulled me into his strong arms telling me everything was going to be ok so when I had eventually calmed down I started telling him everything from I walked in on them to how I drove back to the airport to how he does not know I know that they betrayed us and I showed him the pictures I took at the house yesterday of them having sex
        At first he was quite as I gave him time to process everything then he started laughing confusing me, so I asked him everything was ok and he replied saying everything made sense now the late night calls with my husband them not having sex anymore her always working, wanting to sleep in separate rooms he sounded almost relived
We also talked about how we both taught we didn't like each other apparently my husband did this with every girl he dated as his first love broke up with him saying she had feelings for rome so to make sure they don't talk he tells them lies to make them stay away to prevent it from happening again.
  After he said that I just broke down crying because he tried to keep me and someone i considered a friend away from each other because he did not want any of us to betray him yet he betryed us in the most heartbreaking way possible so  I told him about my revenge plan we were going to tell them we settled our differences and that you offered me a job at your architecture firm and I accepted and that am going to be your personal assistant so we are going to be working very close for the next few months since I decided to quit my job after you gave me the proposal and make them jealous and angry how they have made me and you feel in the last eight months we will make them feel uncomfortable guilty, and start to act nonchalant towards them and like we know their cheating. Before we expose them to everyone before serving them with divorce papers at a party we throw maybe my 27th birthday next month with all our families disgrace them like the pigs they are.
    with a smile, rome said let's begin  making me feel better that I have someone to share my pain with and talk to.

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