"your taking me back?"

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We had all woken up around 9 except Seb, we let him sleep in as we went downstairs and got some coffee.

Yesterday was amazing, we thought we would have to wait alot longer before doing something like that with Seb. He looked so sexy, fuck it turns me on just thinking about him.

After making Seb some breakfast we head back upstairs to Colts room. Sebs layed straight on his stomach sound asleep, the covers have slipped down to his waist. Colt pats him on the bum while I place the plate of food on the table side.

"Mhmm" a small groan comes from the sleeping pup. "Wakey wakey" Enzo says softly while laying down beside him. A grown is responded but no movement, leaning over I grab the cover before pulling it of him in one clean sweep.

He growns before kicking his feet out in annoyance, Colt grabs both his ankles holding them down "ah ah, that's enough of that" a small growl rumbles through the pillow, Enzo tuts him "Your such a grumpy pup this morning".

He moves his head to the side of the pillow looking at Enzo, Enzo softly moves a strand of hair out of his eyes and tucking it behind his ear "what will make our pup happy?" I ask, he looks up at me with his cute brown eyes. "Food" he mumbles making us chuckle.

"It's good we know you so well" I groan the plate of food and place it on the side of the bed showing him, his eyes light up at the site of fruit, bacon and toast. Eagerly sitting up I see him squint in pain probably from our little session last night, "careful" Colt steadys him so he's able to sit comfortably.

Poor thing, for his first time he probably wasn't prepared for three huge dicks in his ass. Seb ate his food in no time however something seemed to catch my attention, while sitting next to him I can feel heat radiating of off him like an oven, "you feeling okay?" I ask him, he looks up at me confused "yes" he replys.

The other two look at me, Enzo moves to place his palm over Sebs forehead "you feel quite warm but that might just be because of last night", "what you want to do today?" Enzo asks Seb, he thinks for a second.

"When can I start working?"  "Soon, you start on Tuesday" Colt responds. "We actualy need a few things from the shops, fancy going into the city?" I ask, he sighs "mhm sure".

"That won't be for another hour though, what you want to do till then" Colt teases by sleeping his hand onto Sebs torso, it instantly affects Seb but we know we won't be doing another round for a while. "It's okay, he's just teasing baby" Enzo comforts Seb while givign Colt a glare.

We all cuddled and watched a movie for the past hour before getting ready to go into the city. We had our driver take us there instead of driving ourselves, that way we could all be in the back.

I couldn't help but glance over at Seb, he seemed unusual quiet and nervous. "Are you okay? What you thinking about?" I ask distracting him from his thoughts, "nothing" he mumbles looking away.

"Anything specific you want from the shops, Seb? You can get whatever you like" it was Enzos turn to try and get his attention but he just shook his head before looking out the window again.

He must be worried about running into Lincoln or something, or maybe it's the big crowds of the city. Eventualy we arrived and had entered through the streets with the nicest shops, food shopping was first.

"Ugh gross" Seb gags as Colt puts some brocoli into the basket. "You'll be eating that later" he teases. We continue getting the ingredients we needed before paying and handing the bags to our driver before heading over  to the clothes shops.

"What about this?" I ask picking a t shirt with pocadots on, Seb shakes his head frantically "i hate pocadots" someone else we have learnt about him today. Seb hates dots, stripes, healthy foods apart from fruits, he hates mushroom but we have hidden them in spagbowl before without telling him and he hate it all.

The Theif 2! A pups little sideWhere stories live. Discover now