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it's been almost a month and half since it all happened. since the kiss. since the fight. jamie's been avoiding chris and matt entirely. she doesn't spare a glance to chris during creative writing and art and she's started sitting away from matt in government & economics. she eats lunch with caroline on the other side of school and has only spoken to either of them if it's school related. 

jamie felt terrible. she caused it. she knew what the consequences were. she knew how mad chris would get. and she dragged matt along with her. the second she and matt pulled away from each other, a loud crack was heard as chris' fist made contact with matt's nose. jamie watched in horror as the two brothers fought. over her. she stood there helplessly for what seemed like forever until isaiah and tyson pulled the two apart. she couldn't stop thinking about their faces. the look of pure hatred on chris' face. the look of regret on matt's. it killed her knowing she was the reason the brothers never spoke. hell, she even got nick sucked right into the middle of it. she couldn't bare speaking to him, either. 

"hey, earth to jamie?" caroline waved her hand in front of her face from across the table. "you're spaced out, again."

"sorry." jamie mumbled. "i was thinking about, you know." she said. caroline sighed. 

"james, you have to let it go at some point. do you realize that matt's not even mad at you?"

"he isn't?" jamie's eyes went wide. she was fully convinced for the whole month of november that matt would never want to speak to her again. caroline rolled her eyes.

"you guys have been best friends since you were babies. sure, chris is still pissed, but chris is chris. he lowkey deserved it. matt's not mad at you because he agreed to it, jamie. it's just as much his fault as you think it's yours. and nick, well, he's just confused. he didn't know what was going on when they asked him to pick sides. he chose neutrality, obviously."

"i feel so bad, though." jamie said. "carol, they fought. matt and chris, who are literally the one pair of brothers you think would never fight, were punching each other. matt's nose was nearly broken."

"it was swollen for a week and a half." carol added. jamie glared at her.

"not helping."


"i just..." jamie sighed. "i wish i could take it all back. i wish that i never agreed to do that stupid plan with matt because it got in over my head and now everything's messed up."

"everything was already messed up, j." a voice said from behind them. jamie avoided nick's gaze as he sat down next to her. "everything has been messed up since chris and paris started going out. that's when it all fell apart between matt and chris."

"what do you mean?" jamie asked, finally looking up. she was relieved to see that nick wasn't mad at her. in fact, he had an expression of sympathy for her. 

"well..." caroline started. she looked at nick, who cleared his throat. 

"when chris told us that he started dating paris, um, matt got really mad."

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