Author's Note

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Your very favourite, Love On Speed Dial is finally getting its sequel !! 

Look, I know I promised one months ago when I was still writing LOSP but high school and everything made it difficult to continue, like if you follow me and my books, I really haven't completed any of them because it's really hard to manage time, especially now that i'm graduating high school in three months..

So, the sequel is based on Trey and Emma, the characters I love so much..the others also make a lot of appearances in this book, more than they made in the last book, because we do have a few real life chapters and not just the phone calls so bear with me..

Now, the biggest question of all - Will I update regularly ?
No. I won't. I will try to update as much as possible, but like I said, I would be graduating high school in three months so I have my exams and everything lined up..
You may ask, then why are you publishing this book now ?
Well, simply because all of you have loved LOSP so much and the comments made me so emotional that I finally decided to come back !!!

If you haven't read Love On Speed Dial, then go ahead and read that book first..but anyway, it won't be much of a problem for you to read this without the first one, because the main characters are different this time. If you have read LOSP, then it would just be easier for you to relate to certain contexts and incidents, that's all..

That being said, welcome back my beautiful people and enjoy !!!!!

Oh and don't forget to like, comment, share and add to your reading list !!!

Bye !!!

Iva <3

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