1. Heartworks

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~ I’m kind the guy who doesn’t think before he speaks, you’re the kind of girl who likes to roll her eyes at me ~

Trey | Emma

“Hello ! This is Midnight Blues. How may I help you today ?”

“Um hey..so I would like to order a few CDs.....?”

“Are you telling me or asking me ?”

“I don’t know.”

“Excuse me ?”

“Uh, telling you. Yes. I would like to order some CDs.”

“Okay. Which genre ?”


“What ?”

“I don’t know, okay ! She didn’t tell me..”

“Okay, um, sir, you need to know the genre of the songs to order a CD.”

“Well how am I supposed to know that ?”

“Doesn’t everyone ? Where do you live ?”

“No, I’m not telling you my address. You might stalk me and kill me and rob my house.”

“Are you crazy ? Why would I- I was asking if you live under a rock. It’s a metaphor”

“Oh. Um, of course I don’t live under a rock, I just haven’t ordered CDs before.”

“Okay, so I need to know a genre. Only then I can recommend.”

“Don’t you have like a common recommendation catalog or something ?”

“Um no, when people usually order CDs, they know what they’re ordering, so they just give us the names of the tracks they want, and we deliver it to them. You’re one of the very few clueless ones.”

“So I’m not the only one then.”

“Unfortunately. Can you at least tell me the occasion ?” 

“Okay, uh, my sister’s having a sleepover today, I think a girls’ night in, I could care less, and she supposedly too busy to order her own CDs.”

“Okay okay, sleepover. Any specific reason why she’s hosting ?”

“How would I know ?! I’m not one of her girlfriends, like I don’t even care what she does..I don’t hang out with her and I don’t want to !”

“What I meant, any weddings coming up, or any parties, maybe they’re planning for it. You gotta be specific dude.”

“What happened to ‘sir’ ?”

“You’re a guy, maybe the same age as me, and you’re annoyingly stupid, and also, you’re wasting my time, I should be on my break right now, so yeah, dude it is.”

“How do you know I’m you age ? I don’t even know what your age is ?”

Oh god. Dude, sir, whatever, can you please come to the point.”

“Right, uh, no weddings or party, but um, she does have a friend who is pregnant.”

“Baby shower then ?”

“Um, maybe not, because my sister’s friend, got pregnant by her new step brother, but her new step mother divorced her dad around the same time her step brother ran away from home, so..”

“Sweet Home Alabama !”

“Yep, that’s what I said.”

“Then it’s definitely not a baby shower.”

“Definitely not.”

“Wait, you said that you don’t care what your sister does because you don’t hang out with her, then how do you know about her friend’s pregnancy story ?”

“My sister’s incredibly loud in her bedroom.”


“Wait, that sounded weird, don’t think anything else, come on !”


“Are you laughing ?! Come on !”

“I’m sorry, I’m just bored and hungry so my mind’s not proper right now.”

“She talks really loud, she was talking to her boyfriend about it, and I heard it.”

“She talks about these things, like she gossips with her boyfriend ?”

“Yeah, surprisingly enough he enjoys it.”

“Is he gay ?”

“Hey, that was really genderist.”

“Sorry I didn’t mean it like it, usually guys don’t care about girl gossips, so- Wait, Genderist ? Is that even a word ?”

“You understood, didn’t you ?”

“Yeah, Okay, so coming back.”

“Well, my cousin did have a break up recently, and she’s coming, plus there was a lot of fuss about it before, so I guess it’s about it.”

“Great, break up songs. Done. We have tracks.”

“Great. Thank you. I’ll come and pick it up.”


“Thank you, music mabel.”

“Music Mabel ?”

“Well, I don’t know your name, and I needed a name to match with ‘music’ so..”

“So you chose Mabel ? Out of all names, you remembered Mabel ?”

“Since you don’t seem to like it, I’ll call you this.”

*rolls eyes*

“Why does it seem like you rolled your eyes at me ?”

“Because I did. You’re order number 110, remember that.”

“110. Okay. Thank you, Music Mabel.”

“Ugh. Goodbye, Clueless Rock.”

“Rock- Why am I a-“

*beep beep*

“Did she just hang up ?”

*beep beep*

~ I like the way your heart works, not cold like the others, I like the way your heart works ~

A/N - Hiyaah !!! So, that was the first chapter !! How did ya'll like it ? Also, I'm sorry if this wasn't it, this was so much funnier in my head-

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