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Colorado ends up winning round two against San Francisco in only five games.

During the series, Moss is able to watch one of the two home games at ice level with his parents. Their seats are similar to the ones that they had by the glass when they attended the regular season game in Detroit which allows them to take pictures of Eli and Tye during warmups.

"Oh, Mo. His eyes absolutely light up when he looks at you," his mom gushes to him after Tye skates away from the glass.

Moss blushes at this, ducking his head down to look at the pictures he had just taken as a distraction from how flustered he feels.

His dad puts a hand on his shoulder before defending him, "Don't embarrass the boy. God knows you nearly scared the two of them off at dinner the other night by asking about marriage plans."

"Let's change the subject! Have you guys tried the milkshakes here before?" Moss rushes out, desperately wanting his parents to stop talking about him and Tye. They have good intentions, but both of them lack any sort of social filter which spikes Moss' anxiety more than anything else.

His parents give him their full, undivided attention before the game and during both intermissions.

Eli must have spoken to them considering how hard they clearly try to show interest in their oldest son by asking about his job and what he's been up to recently. Moss appreciates the effort and answers all of their questions about his promotion, working remotely and what it's been like living with Tye while he's in the playoffs.

Tye had given the okay for Moss' parents to stay with them for the three nights that they were in Colorado. Overall, it was a great bonding experience and it allowed Moss to build some trust with the two of them again after the year of neglect that he had gone through.

"I'm happy you were able to reconnect with your parents and they're more than welcome to stay with us anytime," Tye mumbles into Moss' stomach as they lay in bed, "-but I also can't wait to drop them off at the airport tomorrow morning. Your mom won't stop hinting at wanting grandchildren and it's making me get a nervous rash."

Moss is rubbing his back when he whispers back, "Sorry about that.... She doesn't normally act like this when one of us gets into a relationship. I think she might be having a midlife crisis."

The next day, Tye and Moss take them to the airport, but not without his mom giving Tye one last nudge about popping the question soon as if they haven't only been dating for a little over two months.


It's Tye's families turn to stay with them when his parents and his sister, Evelyn, visit for a week during the Conference Finals against the Alberta Night Birds.

Moss doesn't have to cook much during their stay as both Tye's mom and dad insist on making almost all of their meals for them while they're in town. With one less responsibility, he finds himself frequently spending his free time with Evelyn.

"No chance my brother has a romantic bone in his body," Evelyn laughs as she and Moss play Mario Kart in the movie theater room at Tye's house. "His ex-girlfriend once told me that he forgot their anniversary so he gave her a $15 Tim Hortons gift card the next day. I thought the kid was incapable of planning anything lovey-dovey until you came around."

On the screen in front of them, Evelyn's character, Bowser, throws a green shell behind her which strikes Moss who is currently playing as Toad.

"I'd say he's doing pretty alright with the romance stuff," Moss smiles thinking about all of Tye's romantic gestures that somehow consistently manage to catch him by surprise.

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