Our Little Talks

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Melanie was right where you left her: in a jail cell. She didn't look resentful about that, either. Nope. Not at all.

"When are you going to let me out of here?" She demanded, scowling, as soon as you showed your face in the jail. She was already sitting up on her cot, looking bored and agitated. She was really good at looking bored, though.

Unfortunately, you were the one with the cell keys, so you would be the one to set the topic of the conversation. "Uma and Kali know I'm alive," you told her in a rush.

There was a beat of silence. Then two. Then three.

"Okaaay?" She answered at last, like she was waiting for you to follow up with something else. "What was your plan if they ever found you?"

"Plan?!" You squawked. "There was no plan! I made sure to do a good enough job at staging my death that I didn't think I needed a contingency plan!"

"Oh. Then, sorry to be the one to break it to you, but you're fucked." She sounded so nonchalant. Probably because it wasn't her problem. "When you fail to plan, you plan to fail. I don't know what the Twins are going to do with you, but --whatever it is-- it's not going to be pretty."

The most fucked up thing about what she said was that it was one-hundred percent true.

You buried your face in your hands, took a deep breath in, and screamed with all your might.

There was something awful and fucked up about the world you lived in... Not due to its post-apocalyptic state but due to the existence of soulmates.

From the moment you were born, there was a red thread tied around your finger as a constant reminder that, on your own, you were not whole. Your body, which you thought of as a complete and individual thing, simply wasn't.

You were forcibly tied to someone, and you could not untie that knot. You could try to remain single or love someone who was not your soulmate, but you'd always have that little red reminder.

And what was the concept of a soulmate based off of? Compatibility? Chemistry? Attraction?

Was there some cosmic entity that decided the pairings? What other, greater consequences did this have on your universe? Was everything predetermined? Did free will just not exist?

Was there someone or something out there in the void that knew what your relationship with Uma and Kali would be --the good and the very, very bad-- and decided they would rather make you suffer for their gratification than let you seek out another alternative?

Who knew? There was just someone destined for you, and you had no control over it.

It was a nightmare, and you were the one living it.

You felt something stroke your hair and heard a familiar voice coo, "Hey, pretty girl... What are you crying about?"

And you looked up from your tear-filled palms to see Garcia smiling down at you like an angel of God.

You let out a hysterical little huff of laughter. "You're going to send me back there, aren't you? 'For the greater good...' 'The needs of the many...' You're going to send me back to my personal hell." You wanted to be angry, but all you felt was sad and a little hopeless.

If you were a better person, you would go with grace. But you weren't. For all the universe telling you to go fuck yourself-- Goddamnit-- You wanted your freedom, the opportunity to live and love outside of the Twins' possessive, suffocating grasps!

Garcia tsked and shook her head. "You thought I would make a martyr of you? Never. You're like a daughter to me. I wish for your happiness above all else." Despite taking some of the burden off your back, you couldn't help crying harder at that discovery.

"I love you," you told her, between sobs. "I love you, I love you, I love you--"

And maybe in a different universe--

Ah. But that was just wishful thinking.

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