'You, Me, Her... and Him.

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In retrospect, Lauren thinks she's always been in love with Camila without realizing it. She's been willing to fight for Camila and hand her the whole world if she asked her to since she was only six years old, but back then, she thought it was just how best friends felt about each other. Her intense dislike for the boys in Camila's life and her reluctance to give them a chance even before she met them now make more sense than just Lauren being overprotective.

Once Lucy made her realize, she pushed it to the farthest corner of her mind because she had never thought she had a chance. But now, after the summer in San Francisco, after witnessing the possibility of Camila being into girls, even a little bit, Lauren's heart can't help but hope.

And this hope makes her bold. They live together now in their own little flat— rent covered by their parents— close to the dream university they both got accepted into.

(Lauren remembers that she got her acceptance letter before Camila, that Camila had been put on the wait list, and how ready Lauren had been to wait another year for Camila despite Camila's protests. But it all worked out in the end.)

It's been four months of living together, and Lauren is falling deeper and deeper if that is even possible. It's grocery shopping together. It's bickering about whether or not they should use their limited money on more banana ice cream. It's bickering about whose turn it is to do the dishes. It's always sharing beds even though there are two bedrooms. It's spontaneous getting drunk together, blowing all their money on Chinese take-outs, and consequently living on ramen noodles for weeks.

It's waking up to Camila every morning with her sleepy eyes and messy hair. It's Camila stealing her clothes and Lauren complaining even though she loves seeing Camila in her oversized sweaters. It's Camila getting inspired for a new song and playing the guitar at ungodly hours; it's being stressed and annoyed at all the workload in school, then coming home and Camila instantly knowing how to make her relax.

It's Lauren being bold, letting her touches linger, making it a thing that they kiss on the cheek when they say hello and goodbye; it's making Camila her favorite breakfast when they have the money for it; it's waiting for an opportunity to confess.

And the thing is, Camila hasn't been with a boy since Francisco, even though she's got nearly every college boy lined up outside her door.

Lauren is so close, gathering the last bit of courage, but then Dylan happens.

Lauren meets him first at an out-of-control frat party that she regrets coming to the second she steps into the chaos. She's only here because her English Lit study group dragged her along. 

She had nothing better to do since Camila was hanging out with a few friends from her music program. She's minding her own business, nursing a cup of piss-poor beer as she watches the mayhem go down, not nearly drunk enough to find any amusement in it.

There's a girl that catches her attention. She had gorgeous, long, curly black hair and a smile that broke hearts, showing a lot of delightful dark skin in her tiny shorts and tight top. She catches Lauren staring, and Lauren smiles at her, studying her. The girl smiles back coyly, and all Lauren can think about is it's been ages since she's been laid.

She's eyefucking watching the girl when some boy slides up next to her.

Apparently, his name is Dylan. He's tall, dark, and tattooed- he might as well have 'player' tattooed smack across his forehead- and has the allure that most girls like. Apparently, he thinks Lauren looks lonely, and he wants to get her something better to drink.

Lauren is ruthless and cold in her rejection as she always is with boys who think themselves God's gift to women. He doesn't take no for an answer and has probably never heard of the word with his dangerous smile and dark eyes. Lauren's patience quickly runs out when she's saved by the unexpected.

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