Extras fifteen~ Ryusei Shidou

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Double update because i felt bad for Shidou being overshadowed by Sae
(Not sorry)

Random idea go wee

Warnings: Ryusei Shidou

Should be self explanatory on why he is a warning LOL


Again, reader's half is not present here but will be an aditional character named 'Veliona'.



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"(Name), could you tackle down this student?"

The principal showed me a picture of this student called 'Shidou Ryusei'

"Whats up with him?" I was reading his file, 18, a year older than me, he has a record of getting into fights but his grades are looking better than average

Hell even its even better than mines.

"He's a great student.. but he keeps getting into fights. I want you to shape him into a better student."

"So basically, I need to fix him?"

"Well, yeah. I have good trust in you, student council president. Make sure he changes in one week.

"Yaah~ easy peasy." I waved my hand at him and left his office

I could hear a sigh from behind and a 'good luck'


Ok maybe one week aint enough..

"So what is he like?" I was walking with my vice council pres, Rin Itoshi

Appearantly they both are teammates for the school's soccer team

Yikes. Poor Shidou.

"He's a lukewarm idiot. Everything about him screams lukewarm. He constantly picks up fights with me over the ball and punched me once in the face."

I kinda laughed at the thought of my vice president being punched to the face

"Dont laugh at me you lukewarm fuck." Rin crossed his arms and looked away, looks like he was embarrassed

"I'll make sure to tease you about it~ either way where can I find a wild Shidou? The president gave me one week to shape him into a better student."

Dual-Ego~☆ BLLKWhere stories live. Discover now