Necrus, The Lost Kingdom - 2022

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"This place is immense - it could be anywhere," said Mera's father as the army entered a dark,  cavernous space beneath the ice caps.

"The Throne of Necrus is in the heart of the city," Orm informed.

"Whoa," Claudia breathed. "This place kinda gives me the creeps, but I also wish I brought my camera..." As was with every place they had visited so far.

"What happened to you?" Arthur asked, for the first time noticing her riding on the back of Orm's sea horse. 

"My horse tossed me off so Orm picked me up. Thanks again for not leaving me behind."

"I considered it."


"Only because I saw how dangerous Necrus could be. This is no place for a human - this is no place for anyone..."

"Shh, I sense something in the water," cried Mera. 

"Everyone, light it up!"

Everyone who had blasters fired them up into the darkness around them, but there was nothing. 

"Didn't you say Kordax turned his people into an army of monsters?"  the Brine King asked Orm.

"Yes, I did."

"Keep your eyes open," Arthur ordered. 

"Well that'll be easy, mine don't close."

Claudia would have snorted with laughter at this, but a terrible, blood-curdling shriek filled the cavern.

"Holy shi-"

She was cut off when the creatures gave a paralyzing wail.

"Fire at will!"

They were instantly swarmed by Kordax's monster army, and they sure were monstrous. The result of dark magic indeed. 

Instead of red blood, the creatures dissolved into a toxic green goo when blasted or stabbed. Gross. 

The Brine King really took one for the team and stayed behind with his own army to fight the monsters, allowing the others safe passage into the city. 

They emerged from the water and began climbing the vaulting trellises up to the bridge that led into the heart of the city, as Orm had called it. 

As she was climbing up, far behind the others once again, Claudia felt something grasp her ankle from below. With a cry, away she went. 

She scrambled for purchase along the wall, but it was no use. She didn't want to look down, but she did, and found a giant, tentacled creature trying to pull her under. 

"Claudia!" Orm was leaning down off the bridge, arm extended. "Grab my hand!"

She strained. "I can't! We're too far!"

Without any hesitation, he swung down, hanging off the side of the trellis, and lowered himself. Finally, their gloved fingers brushed, and then their hands grasped each other. "Hang on!" He gave her arm a tug, and at last pulled her up over the edge and onto the bridge. Both crashed onto the icy ground, she on top of him, both breathing heavily.

"Thanks." she croaked. "That was close!"

"It was. Are you all right?"

"Yeah, more shaken up than anything. You?"

"I'm fine." 

They were still holding hands. Both scrambled apart and to their feet.  

And good thing too, for more of the monster army was there to greet them on the bridge. 

Sea Star - Orm MariusWhere stories live. Discover now