It's okay!

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" Sita..... hey, Sita!"

Veer wasn't getting any response from her. He was acting like he'd gone bonkers already. He took off his shirt and wrapped it around Sita.

" Sita...." Anika stepped into the kitchen.
" Why isn't she opening her eyes? What happened to her?"

Veer asked her. But Anika didn't know what to answer.

" For fuck's sake open your eyes, Sita!!"
" Maybe splashing water can help!"

Akshay suggested. Veer took some water and splashed it on her face. But she was still senseless.

" Why... Sita?? Istg, Sita, if you don't wake up... I'll die!!"
" Mr. Veer, calm down... I'm calling the doctor."
" Don't need to call them! I'll take her to the hospital."


" Where the hell are the doctors??!?"
" Calm down, sir. They are coming."
" Shut up! Don't tell me what to do!"

The doctors came.

" What happened??" One of them asked.
" My wife, my wife, blacked out... due to... fire! Treat her! She's not opening her eyes!"
" Mr. Calm down, we will treat her... how come she caught the fire?"
" I fucking don't know! Just give her anything so that she opens her eyes or you all will close yours permanently!"

The nurses were all scared to talk to him. The doctors took her into a room and pushed an injection.

" Mr. Veer, calm down now. They are treating her. Bhabhi Ji will be okay."
" I can't calm myself down, Akshay. She was so scared..."

After a few more minutes, the doctors came out.

" What happened? Is my wife okay?"
" Yes, Mr. Chauhan. She is okay now. You can meet her."

Veer hurriedly went inside the room where Sita was lying on the bed. Sita saw him and tried to wake up.

" You don't need to sit up. Please. "
" Veer Ji..."

Her one hand was up like she wanted him to hold her hand. Veer held her hand and squeezed them.

" Are you feeling okay now?"
" Yeah... I am sorry. For me, y'all are concerned."
" Come on, Sita. You're my wife! There's nothing to say sorry for."

A drop of tears left his left eye. Sita sat down immediately.

" Veer Ji, why are you... crying?"
" Sita... I know, I've been a husband for you since our marriage. And I really regret that. Today, when you were unconscious, I felt like my world was breaking apart. I can't even imagine my life without you, Sita. I feel like I'm breathing for you. My heart is beating for you... it's like I exist because of you, and if something happens to you, not only my body, but even my soul will die!"

He said, all looking at her eyes. His tears were falling from his eyes. Sita closed his mouth with her hand.

" Don't talk about death, Veer Ji."

Veer hugged her and buried his face into her chest. Their heart was beating together.


On the next day, Sita and Veer left for Rajasthan. Sita was completely fit and fine.

" Sita, when is your birthday?"
" My birthday? It's on 5th December."
" It's on the next month. I should have asked sooner."
" Why do you ask, though? Are you gonna throw a party or what?"
" I know you don't enjoy parties. Let's wait and see what I give you."

Sita smiled, and they entered the farmhouse. A caretaker and two maids are always there. And Veer took nearly 10 bodyguards with him.

" Sita, he is the caretaker of this farmhouse. His name is Manohar. And she is Gauri, our cook. And she is Jaya, she cleans this farmhouse from time to time." Veer introduced them.
" Hello, I'm Sita... nice to meet you all."
" Love, I'll be in our room."

Sita nodded. Jaya and Gauri looked at her with confusing eyes.

" Was that really Veer Chauhan?" Gauri asked.
" Huh?" Sita was really confused.
" I mean, he comes here almost every year, and I only have bitter memories of him. Every time he left, he made the whole house a mess. He never talked to us this calmly." Jaya said.
" People change, right?"
" It's your effect. Thank you to Lord Rama that he got someone like Sita Maiya."

Sita chuckled. Then she went upstairs. Veer was unpacking the bags.

" Did you ever ride a camel?" He asked suddenly.
" No..."
" Get ready. We are going to ride them."
" What?!"
" Yea, or you'd like to ride the horses?"
" Do you own every type of animal?? Gosh..."
" Not every type of, but yeah, most of them."

Sita gasped. Veer gave her a quick smile. Then they got ready and left. Sita noticed the houses of Horses and camels. She was surprised yet happy. Veer chose a black horse and sat on his back, and then he forwarded his one hand for Sita to hold. Sita held and sat on the same horse but in front of Veer. Veer made sure she was comfortable. Then he started riding. They almost rode the horse for 1 hour.

Then they stopped in front of a big fair. Sita's eyes were wide open. The fair was so big. There was Mary go Round, fairy's Wheel, different types of shops, food.

" Woah, Veer Ji! This fair is so big!"
" I knew you'd like it. Let's go..."

They went to a jewellery shop. Sita saw the colourful bangles. She was so happy.

" How much are these, bhaya?" Veer asked the shop owner.
" One set is 200."
" Give me all the sets."
" What will you do with all of them??"

Sita asked. Veer smiled mysteriously.

" All for you."
" Are you crazy?? What will I do with this much bangles? I already have a lot at home."
" Yes, Mrs. Veer Chauhan, your husband is crazy."
" Take them, behen, none all girls get husbands like this."

Veer smiled proudly. Sita just chuckled.

" What's that, Bhaya??" Veer pointed at something.
" These are the waist chains, aka kamarband. "
" They'd look amazing on you. Let's take them, too."
" I don't wear them, Veer Ji...."
" So what? From today, you'll wear."

After shopping and eating, they both came back to the farmhouse.

" Jaya di, Gauri di... come nah."
" Yes, Madam?"
" Ugh, just call me sister. Well, these are for you two."

They both were shocked to see that she was giving them the bangles and jalebis. Veer felt a different type of feeling after seeing this side of Sita.

" Manohar uncle??"
" Yes, Madam?"
" These are for you."

She gave him the shawl she bought before, and Jalebis too.

Thank you so much for reading. I hope you like it. Do votes and comments.

See you in the next chapter...

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