Part: 22 Winter Break

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1/13/2024 12:35am

The sky looks green
College is a maze
And I'm underwater

The rooms well lit
By small strung bulbs
My comforts left. Alone

Cling to small wishes
Wishes turn to dust
Finding old trinkets
Metal turns to rust

Outside it's raining
But the droplets don't sound
Can you hear rain deep underwater?
Do you feel earthquakes underground?

Pestering, billowing, cursing to find
Give them your passions
They sway you with wine
Trading my sanity to be in thier presence

Paying the price
Passive aggressive undertone advice

How can I heal these wounds
If you keep cutting me up

How can these stitches sooth
If you keep ruoughing them up

And held up by the crutch
And shattered bone by bone

Your yelling is the worst torture I've ever known

While gashes may heal
My heart has bullet holes
They cling on like parasites
Through tales to unfold

Whatching old Disney movies
A bandaid on the bleeding out
I've escaped from a vacation of a forced hush

My body doesn't know I'm allowed
That I can afford
To finially

1/14/2024 5:00pm

She hears the whines of an abusive daughter
I hear the cries of a child gone through hell
She can't see the light at the end of the tunnel
Still going through it she'll dance with the devil

She sees a no good self spoiled brat
I see a 2end grader hiding from that
A large shadowed silhouette that wants her childhood back
Living through her terrified daughter sobbing under her bathroom mat 

Wont fight back

Counting with her eyes closed tight
Hoping no one will find her
The yelling was loud she didn't want a fight
Yet the heat in her throat defied her

Bullies across lives, bullies across jurisdictions
An inconvenience to some
A non guilty conviction.
Self affliction
Biting nails
Silent pains
Silent wails
My head swirled mad with tears
My face stone cold
Emotions feared
But the numbness is melting
Every time I leave home it defrosts

Every time I escape
I must process
The love
The pieces
The childhood that I lost 
I/16/2024    11:20pm

I'm frozen
I'm lost
Can't move me or toss
My shivers aren't even moving
I can't see where I'm going
It's gone
Don't know why I feel this ache
In my chest like I'm running a race
My mind rushes as I must be running late
Tick tock
Tick tock

It's winter
I'll wait.

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