Chapter 177

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Bai Yu and Mo Anyu came to the rooftop of the award ceremony that day, and in front of the two of them were the barbecue and beer they had just bought nearby.

Bai Yu likes to eat grilled sausages and chicken wings, and he is also hungry, so when they sit cross-legged on the ground with supper, Bai Yu will take the grilled sausages and chicken wings and open the bow left and right, and look very focused on eating with his head down.

I'm so hungry.

Mo Anyu took the kebab and ate it carelessly, and when he was halfway through eating, he suddenly stopped eating, and watched Bai Yu open the bow left and right with great interest, and when Bai Yu was eating happily, he handed over the half-eaten kebab in his hand and said, "Is it delicious?"

Bai Yu glanced at him and didn't answer, "You don't want me to eat yours...... Leftovers."

"You're deliberately avoiding me, I guess you mean to say, you don't want me to eat your saliva." Mo Anyu propped his chin and looked at Bai Yu and smiled.

"Now that you know it, why do you have to say it." Bai Yu felt that his stomach was filled a little, and his hunger was no longer heavy, so he put down the roast sausage, ate it without a bite, and said, "Mo Anyu, I don't think you are suitable for me."

"You're pestering me, don't say no, to be honest, I really can't stand you." Bai Yu looked directly at Mo Anyu and said, "You should know that I broke up with Song Shilin before, to be honest, I didn't think I would be with him after the breakup."

"But when I came back, when I saw him again, I felt that I still wanted to be with him, and I wanted to live with him very strongly, and the devil knows what a sixth sense it was." Bai Yu stuffed the roast sausage into his mouth, took two bites, and said, "But I don't feel this way when I'm with you." 

"It's because you didn't try to understand me, and when you try to understand me, you know my good, and you're going to fall in love with me, I promise."

"It's ridiculous." Bai Yu refused, "I can be regarded as love at first sight for Song Shirin, and even he doesn't know about it."

A few years ago, Bai Yu and Song Shirin met at a business banquet, and as soon as Bai Yu entered the venue, he saw Song Shirin standing tall in the crowd.

It's not an exaggeration to fall in love at first sight, in short, after that night, Bai Yu was worried about Song Shirin.

At that time, because Bai Yu was at the banquet, he had been watching as an idiot all night, so he didn't come forward to talk to Song Shirin.

But Bai Yu followed Mr. Zhang to the scene at that time, and Mr. Zhang knew Song Shirin.

Mr. Zhang gave Song Shirin's phone number to Bai Yu, although he didn't know that he thought Bai Yu had taken a fancy to someone else, otherwise he would not have given Mr. Zhang's phone number and information to Bai Yu - because since Bai Yu and Song Shirin were together, he was afraid every day that the relationship between Bai Yu and Song Shirin would be exposed, and he would not be able to eat or sleep well.

Bai Yu called Song Shirin, this is Song Shirin's work phone, so it was Secretary Chu who answered the phone.

Because there was no appointment, Bai Yu did not contact Song Shirin.

It wasn't until half a month later that Bai Yu met Song Shirin again at a charity gala, when Bai Yu was almost moved to cry, he was not in a high mood these days, so when Mr. Zhang asked him to come to this charity gala, his first reaction was to refuse.

It was only because he couldn't stand being worn by Mr. Zhang that he came over.

After the charity gala, Bai Yu's car was forced to be abandoned, he stood at the exit in a gorgeous suit, and when Song Shirin's driver appeared in the car, he walked over and asked for help.

Breaking up, No JokeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang