floyd demise

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king gristle: *loud speakers* WAKE UP!!!!!!11!!!!!11111111111111!!!!1

everyone: *wakes up falling off bed*

floyd: *cries* ouch.........

all outside: ok now what?

king peppy: good morning!!

Vranch: kill yourself

king Peppy: *laughing* funny guy... anyway its time for your 1st challenge! i have some guests to day what it is... here is velvet and veneer!

Floyd: *screams really loud cause of truama* THEY ALMSOT KILLE DME THEY SHOULD TO BE IN PRISON *cries and sobbs*

Velvet: hey loser... were out of jail!

Veneer: velvet we just have ankle minorters

velvet: shut up bro 🙄

velvet: whatEVER. your challenge is to have a talent show!

John Dory: something you dont have huh......

Veneer: cut it twerp! so youll show off some talent and we will rate it. also bridget gristle and king peppy will help

everyone: ok!

Vlevet: ill flip a coin for whos first screaming rageons are heads and the killer bergens are tails. *flips coin*

Veneer: its tails! go to the stage killer bergens youll all do it together

Velvet: get ready now and HURRY UP! you have 5 MINITS!

everyone: runs off to stage

5 minuts later on the stage...

all of killer bergens: were gonna sing!

*1 mashed up song later*

killer burgurs: all done!

Veneer: that was okay... i liked viva bit

Velvet: dont lie it was trash NEXT

Satin and cheniele: we have a fashion show!

*1 fashion show later*

Veneer: see that was cool!

Velevt: I like that your name is about mount rageous win for me

veneer: agreed!! also you have to make clothes for us while in prison

Satin and cheinel: sure fine but we WIN!

screaming rugons: cheering

poppy: yay! :)) lets go team! *raises hand for high five that everyone does* good job killer bergens too! i loved the song viva!

viva: you did great sis congrats :)

Barb: i hate you poppy

poppy: *gasps*

branch: kill yourself (directed at barb)

Clay: we'll get them next time..

King Peppy: okay now im going to introduce something! its called the confessionals. you can talk about anyone ananymously! thats it, you can relax with you teams until dinner now

*in confessional*

Mr Dinkles: Mew

Queen Barb: I think i am gonna betray BOTH teams.. I can do this all my myelf!

Delta Dawn: I still dont like pop music.

Bruce: I miss my wife but at least I look good when im sad.. Not like Floyd

Floyd: *Crying* I hate velvet and veneer!

Tiny Diamond: I just want me or my daddy to win this! Probably me. Anyone but should Biggie. At least aunt poppy is cool!

*later in the shaowds*

man: tomorrow... i make my REVEAL!!

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