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❥ "Strip."

Jameson smirked and ripped off his T-shirt, earning a gasp from everybody. Avery looked everywhere but Jameson—however, I enjoyed the sight.

"Evelyn." Avery warned.

"Relax," I looked towards Avery. "I can't appreciate the Hawthorne assets Tobias has left us?" I gestured to the bowling Alley, and the brothers in front of us. "More so you."

"This is as much yours, Ev." Avery grabbed my hand and squeezed it. Lately, we didn't get much time to talk anymore, so I appreciated the moments like these.

But it wasn't. Because at the end of the day I still had crutches and was healing from a gun shot to the stomach. I have no idea who I am and what Tobias wants with me and i'm having these strange memories—

"Evelyn got a piece of that, Jamie." Xander. Avery's face turned a crimson red and when I looked at Jameson, he had a smirk on his face. I shot a glare towards Xander and he raised his hands up. "I wasn't the one staring."

"I'm honored." Jameson looked at Avery. "I mean— it's nothing personal—"

"Oh my gosh." I shook my head, not wanting to be apart of the game those two were playing. If Avery wanted to mess around with the Hawthorne's, who am I to stop her? "Idiots."

"Careful." Xander throws a ball down the lane, then turns back to look at me. "Grayson is rubbing off on you."


It had been a full week since he'd stopped me from snooping around Hawthorne House. And since then, I know he told Oren, because i've had a weird guy standing outside my room for the entirety of this week.

Damn Grayson. He did all of this, but wouldn't even look me in the eye?

"Speaking of." Xander signals towards the door and I snap my head around. Grayson Hawthorne was walking into the bowling alley. Fuck.

"What's going on in here?" Grayson examined the area around us, obviously looking for anything suspicious. Typical Grayson, always has to know everything. "And what are you doing, J?"


"Showing off this." Jameson looks down at his six pack, and gosh was it tempting to look. There was a minute of silence and when I thought he was done I looked— except his shirt was still off and now I was in too deep.

Graysons eyes burned lasers into the back of my head, and he placed an arm on my shoulder. What the hell?

Avery eyed me suspiciously. "You sure are appreciating it."

The room was silent, and I could feel everybody's eyes fixated on me and Grayson.


Thank you, phone. Grayson removed his hand from my shoulder, and I felt bare where he had touched me. I shouldn't miss it, but it felt so familiar.

Pulling out my phone, my heart dropped to my stomach at the text message displayed on the screen.

Just got into Texas.

Why the hell are you still hanging around with that Hawthorne?

I thought I made myself clear.

Maybe not. But that's okay, i'll see you soon anyways.

Make room at Hawthorne House for me?

Oh my gosh— oh my gosh— oh my gosh—

"Breathe." Grayson was in front of me, and I don't know how he got there but now he's kneeling down in front of me. "Give me the phone." I don't answer and instead he gently takes the phone out of my grasp.

Avery, Xander, Max, and Jameson all leaned forward to read the text messages. Avery was the first to get up. My eyes were too blurry and unfocused to keep track of everybody.

"That bastard." Avery said. "Tell me there's something you can do to fix this?" Her words are directed to Grayson, who didn't even spare her a glance when she spoke. He's was too fixated on the text messages in front of him.

"Gray." Jameson puts his hand on Graysons shoulder. "What's going on?"

"He's a threat, to all of us." Grayson exhaled, and then placed the phone down on the couch. He looked at Jameson, and something unspoken was exchanged between the two because Jameson was putting his shirt on within seconds.

"Come on guys." Jamesons voice was hard; rough.

"Seriously? I wasn't done playing." Max groaned, looking towards me and Grayson. "Oh. Maybe we should go. You don't look too good."

I put my hand up to my forehead. "Oh— do I look pale? I—"

Grayson lowers my hand. "You need to relax." He looks at Max. "You don't look pale."

Max shook her head. "I didn't mean it like—"

"Leave them be. I have to find Oren and tell him about this." Avery was already making her way out the door before I could respond. The others followed and eventually I was left in the cold bowling alley with Grayson Hawthorne.

"She can't go to him." I sounded frantic, unsure of everything. Because I don't know anything. "He'll know, and then he'll come after me, Libby, Avery—"


Hot tears were streaming down my face. "I thought I was rid of him. I told him I was done— but he won't leave it alone. Maybe I should leave? It's not safe for anyone and I—"

"Stop it, you're burning up."

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry— I never asked for any of this. I didn't want to take Hawthorne Foundation from you. I was okay with my life. I think I need to— I don't—"

A pair of arms were being wrapped around me, and the sobs racked my body instantly. It was like a dam breaking. Everything— my childhood, this whole damn Hawthorne House, and now Matthew.

Grayson leaned back against the couch, and I buried my head deeper into his chest. "This isn't your fault. None of this is." I would've responded but I was at that crying stage where the only thing capable of leaving my mouth were these sobs. "Look at me."

I looked up and Grayson placed his arms around my face, caressing my jaw. "All of this is mine. I've been angry— when I shouldn't be. It's not your fault my grandfather is confusing, and I never should have accused you of being—" A con woman. "Besides the point. What did he do to you?"

I sat up straight, but Graysons arms still stuck around me. "What? Who—" Matthew. "Oh. Nothing bad."

He narrowed his eyes at me, and I knew I wasn't winning this one.

"He.. he pushed me. Once or twice. But that's it." Lies.

"I don't believe you."

I pushed his arms away from my sides. "Well, believe it." What the hell did I just do? I cried in Grayson Hawthorne's chest. This was not apart of my plan.

He visibly stiffened. "Don't be stubborn."

"It's no different than you are on a daily basis."


"I'm going to leave, so if you wouldn't mind." I gestured for him to get up and he huffed, standing up and buttoning his suit up.

I stood up after him, placing my crutches under my arms. As I looked into his icy eyes, something warm set ablaze in my chest.

"I'm not going to let him hurt you."

And for the first time, I trusted Grayson Hawthorne with everything I had.


soooo... i cranked this one out cuz i'm home and sick. anyways I finished the final gambit *SPOILERS* miss girl did not just give away her whole damn fortune?! only keeping 2 billion dollars? Okay I know that sounds really bad but if I were the Hawthorne Brothers (aka grayson) I would be pissed considering that money was their life's work. okay rant over bye now!!

𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 || 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐇𝐚𝐰𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞 Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora