Chapter 1: why am i here

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Danielle's pov

It was the middle of the afternoon, dad,Harry and I are in the kitchen, I'm sitting at the table drawing while dad and uncle Harry are cleaning their guns just then Isabella runs inside completely terrified I didn't look up from my drawing book but heard every word

"Dad" my idiotic sister yelled as she entered the kitchen seeming worried

"Bells you alright" dad asked her

"I saw them out in the woods they're not bears, they're wolves" Isabella yelled that caught my attention I looked up from my book and looked at uncle Harry

"The woods,bells what the hell were you doing out in the woods and wolves are you sure" dad asked pretending to not know anything

Yes dad knows about the pack as well, he accidentally found out one day after going over to uncle Billy's house after one of Isabella's 'Terrible ' nightmare and he went out on the back porch, Jacob didn't look at his surroundings when he shifted ,anyway dad was on the back porch because he needed air and saw Jacob shift and fainted, uncle Billy had called me to carry him in the house and sat him on the couch. When he woke up uncle Billy and I told dad everything about the pack

But anyway back to the story

"The wolves dad they were after something" Isabella said as I remembered Laurent from the baseball game last year

"Guys if you will excuse me I need to make a phone call" I said as I got up out of my seat taking my drawing book with me and goin outside to call my uncle Marcus of the volturi , the heads of the vampire nation

"Hello" he answers

"Hey uncle Marcus I need to tell you something " I told him as I looked around my surroundings being careful

"What is it my dear" he asks me

"Ok, so there was a baseball game that took place last year and Edward brought Isabella and Rosalie brought me, anyway mid game we had to stop playing, three nomads heard us playing and came to check it out, but the blonde one James noticed me and Bella, he know who my mate was as well as the other two and tried to bring me to volterra, but Edward being a controlling asshole thought James was trying to kill or turn me so he killed him as well as Carlisle the others knew what he was doing, anyway they left a red head named Victoria behind who was mated to the blonde " I said

"Oh no thank you for the information my niece I shall discuss this with Caius and Alec and come and get you and Charlie" he told me

"Thank you but i have an assumption that something will happen that will prompt the cullens to come back here and Alice the short pixie vampire to see if Isabella is Alive and bring us to you" I said to him

"Ok but you must tell your father the truth me and Caius are giving you permission and your father can keep his relationship with Billy black" he said

"Ok thank you uncle I have to get back I have been out here for a while" I said

"Ok I love you be safe little one we all shall be in forks soon" he said

"I will uncle thank you" I said as I hung up the phone and went back inside

Hello guys, so Charlie is a descendant of Marcus and technically Charlie is a supernatural protector, so he knows about the supernatural as well as Dani

I hope you guys like this chapter please like comment and tell me who should be Charlie's Mate and tell me why you have picked this person

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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