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🧸Curly Hair Boy Learns Language🧸

Zhou Shaoyu's eyes were shining, his clear eyes were full of trust, and his small curly hair trembled lightly in the air, "Ah Ma, Ma ......", after finishing speaking, he waved his little meat hand as if he was invited, and he was in a very good mood.

Wen Yuduo pursed her lips, her heart was complicated and indescribable.

Although she called herself her mother in front of Zhou Shaoyu every day, it was mostly hilarious, and she never seriously fantasized about Zhou Shaoyu calling her mother in her mind.

I still remember that when I first set foot in this other world, she and Zhou Shaoyu accompanied each other day and night just to do tasks, in order to fill the precarious luck value in her system panel.

But now that more than two months have passed in a blink of an eye, Wen Yuduo feels that he has long gone beyond simply doing tasks, and something is quietly changing in the dark.

It's hard to describe the feeling exactly, it's like there's a nowhere in the back of your heart that no one has ever visited, and one day a few fragrant flowers suddenly bloom.

Since then, this little corner has become softer, warmer and more fulfilling, just like the rejuvenation of the earth.

When did it start? It may be the first time Zhou Shaoyu held her hand, it was Zhou Shaoyu who lay in her arms with complete trust, or maybe Zhou Shaoyu would always think of her first no matter what happened.

There are many moments that make up the bits and pieces of this life. not only changed Zhou Shaoyu, but also changed herself.

Wen Taro Duo's heart warmed.

She touched Zhou Shaoyu's little head, and smacked heavily on his left and right cheeks, her eyes flashed with tears, and her voice was a little hoarse, "Baby is so good! Ma Ma loves you very much." The

system suddenly embarrassed: "Ahem, that, I advise you not to make up too much brains......" Wen Yuduo snorted coldly, "What do you mean?"

System: "

Xiaoyu didn't really learn to speak." At his age, he called mom just because he imitated adults and pronounced the syllable mama, and he didn't know what mom meant, and he couldn't give meaning to the word mom for the time being.

Therefore, it is generally not until about one year old that the child can call out his father and mother clearly and meaningfully.

Wen Yuduo shook his head, hooked his lips confidently and evilly and chuckled, "I don't believe it, Xiaoyu is sensible." 

The system was speechless: "Whatever you want, it's good if you're happy......" Zhou Shaoyu, who woke up from a nap, was in good spirits, he fluttered and crawled to the shark pillow at the head of the bed, grabbed the shark's two big teeth with a pair of small meat hands, and shouted loudly to the ugly, terrifying and fierce shark: "

Mama...... Grandma ......"

Wen Yuduo's face was full of black lines, and her toes buckled to the ground in embarrassment.

Okay, you curly boy, she just paid for her affection like this!!The

system didn't want to say a word, and threw her an illustrated parenting tip.

[Baby me, I'm babbling!]

[0-6 months old: Baby me, I can finally distinguish the voices of my father and mother! I don't need expensive toys, I just hope that my parents will talk and sing more with me. [

6-11 months old: Baby, I, can imitate the voice of adults! I can pronounce some simple monosyllabic words, such as ba and ma, isn't it smart? Mom and Dad, please remember to play more games with me and interact with me more. [

12-18 months old: Baby, I can not only understand some adults, but also say a few meaningful words! Mom and Dad, please remember to teach me some simple words and sentences, I will learn quickly and well. After

carefully reading the system's "babbling" tips, Wen Yuduo planned to take Zhou Shaoyu to the park for a walk.

The little one hadn't been out of the house for five days since he had a fever and a cold! The furthest place I've been this week is the garden yard downstairs at home. Zhou Shaoyu, who loves to play and is active, is about to be suffocated.

When she went out for the first time after her illness, Wen Taro Duo didn't dare to take it lightly. She used the "scientific layering method" for Zhou Shaoyu to wrap the little guy tightly.

"Scientific layering method" is a doctor expert who brushed Wen Yuduo two days ago, on how to dress the baby scientifically during the change of seasons The correct method.

Before raising a baby, she really couldn't imagine that even such a trivial thing as dressing the baby needs to have "technical content", otherwise it is easy to fall into the situation of "the child is sick and the whole family is miserable" in this season change.

Today, the outdoor temperature is more than ten degrees, but there is a big sun, so the temperature is not very cold.

In accordance with the scientific layering method of "inner sticking, middle warmth, and outer windproof", Wen Yuduo first dressed Zhou Shaoyu with a set of close-fitting clothes with good sweat-wicking function, layered a polar fleece vest in the middle, and chose a light and windproof down jacket on the outside.

Wen Yuduo admired Zhou Shaoyu's newly purchased outfits for a while, all of which were new children's clothing from major brands, all of which were very fashionable and expensive without exception.

The little guy has just recovered from a serious illness, his complexion is slightly whiter than before, his chin is a little pointed, and he is dressed up a little, and the whole person seems to have grown a lot overnight, and he can even be described as "a little handsome".

About the mother and daughter of Ruoxi, the four of them went to the ecological park near the community together.

In the autumn and winter seasons, the scenery of the park has a unique charm.

The sky was high and crisp, and the sun was shining brightly in the sky, but it was not hot at all. The fallen leaves flutter in the wind, forming a charred carpet.

Fang Ruoxi is dressed very Korean today, with red lips and white teeth, a towering ponytail, and a fresh and white mint green jacket, black leggings and sneakers.

"Hello Auntie! Brother Xiaoyu is good!" Fang Ruoxi greeted politely.

Wen Yuduo took out an animal-shaped lollipop and gave it to Fang Ruoxi, "Hello Xixi, do you want to eat a lollipop?"

Zhou Shaoyu stared vigilantly at the thing that Wen Yuduo gave to Fang Ruoxi, this thing called "lollipop" he had never seen before, the shape and color were very strange, I don't know what it was.

Fang Ruoxi took the lollipop with joy, his eyes lit up, "Thank you, Auntie!"

Wen Yuduo smiled: "You're welcome."

Fang Ruoxi really couldn't wait, she quickly tore open the lollipop package, put it in her mouth and ate it with relish.

Xixi's mother also brought a small gift to Zhou Shaoyu, which is a red tactile ball made of soft rubber with bumps on it, and kneading will make a "squeak" sound.

Zhou Shaoyu happily took it, his eyes bent into two crescents, and shouted to Xixi's mother: "Ma Ma!"

Wen Yuduo: "...... "Good guy, call your future mother-in-law now?"

Xixi's mother was instantly cute, she rubbed Zhou Shaoyu's head, and the corners of her lips hooked, " My brother is so good, will you come to our house next time to play?"

Zhou Shaoyu waved his red hand to grab the ball, looking so happy, "Ama...... Mama ......"

Wen Yuduo rolled her eyes at Zhou Shaoyu, the dog-legged person sitting in the stroller. The group walked to an open-air children's playground deep in the park.

The view is stunning and the stroller is wobbly. But Zhou Shaoyu's good mood only lasted for a while, and he soon got tired of playing with the tactile ball in his hand.

Weeks lessYu opened her eyes wide and looked around, only to find that Fang Ruoxi was sucking the "lollipop" given to her by Wen Taro Duo.

Why is that thing edible? And it seems to taste good.

Zhou Shaoyu frowned, and called out to Fang Ruoxi dissatisfiedly, "Ma...... "

He's been repeating it all afternoon since he learned it.

Fang Ruoxi didn't want to deal with this kind of little kid at all, so he snorted lightly and continued to eat lollipops.

Wen Yuduo, who was walking in the back, was chatting with Xixi's mother, from the child's early education to the popular TV series and the brand's new lipstick color, the two parents had no time to pay attention to the undercurrent between their children.

"Whew!" Zhou Shaoyu continued to yell at Fang Ruoxi, stretched out his little hand vigorously, and waved his small fist in the direction of the lollipop.

Fang Ruoxi was annoyed to death, she had never seen such an old-fashioned little brat, she had never even seen a lollipop, and her drooling appearance was silly and ugly.

In order to prevent Zhou Shaoyu from continuing to annoy her, Fang Ruoxi scolded fiercely: "Hey, I'll give you a taste, don't make any more noise."

She brought the lollipop close and put it to Zhou Shaoyu's mouth. The shiny pink lollipop was originally in the shape of a rabbit, and the rabbit had been bitten off by Fang Ruoxi with two ears off, leaving a rabbit head.

Zhou Shaoyu's eyes lit up, he stretched out his tongue vigilantly, licked it curiously, and licked it again.

Zhou Shaoyu didn't know how to describe his current mood, this thing called a lollipop was really weird, it was a taste he had never tasted.

After being eaten by Zhou Shaoyu twice, Fang Ruoxi hurriedly stuffed the lollipop back into her mouth, she didn't dislike her little brother's saliva, she just glared at him quite stingyly, "Okay, I can't give it to you anymore, I don't have it anymore!"

Zhou Shaoyu didn't continue to call, he sat in the stroller honestly, and savored the thing called a lollipop for a while.

Although it is undeniably sweet, the taste is too exciting for him, and Zhou Shaoyu will not be able to accept it for a while. No wonder his mom never tried this lollipop for him.

The group played in the park's open-air playground for an hour and a half, and after returning home, Wen Yuduo helped Zhou Shaoyu wash his face, hands, and feet as usual.

She carefully observed and wiped Zhou Shaoyu's small mouth vigorously, Wen Yuduo always felt that his lips were a little strange today, as if they were stained with a layer of slimy sugar.

Wen Yuduo usually pays great attention to Zhou Shaoyu's diet, and the things that cannot be eaten are strictly guarded and resolutely not touched by him.

No salt, sugar or honey before the age of one. She carefully checked the ingredient list for each baby snack to ensure safety and security before daring to give it to Zhou Shaoyu.

After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't figure out what was going on with his lips, Wen Yuduo frowned helplessly, it should just be that he accidentally got something dirty while playing.

After another two days of recovery, Zhou Shaoyu completely overcame the first illness and cold in his life.

He was in good health, and the little guy soon regained his vigorous and energetic appearance, his eyes were bright, his voice was as loud as a bell, and his small hands and feet were even more powerful than before his illness.

But when his illness was cured, in exchange for the warm taro duo's illness came like a mountain! Maybe

because he was too tired to take care of the sick child during this time, or because his simple physique was a little weak, the warm taro duo could not withstand the sudden drop in temperature during the change of season.

Early on Sunday morning, Wen Yuduo woke up and found that something was not quite right. His forehead was a little hot, his throat was hot and painful, his brain was muddy, and his eyelids were heavy, like a sponge full of water.

She was sore and lay on the bed.

Zhou Shaoyu hadn't woken up in the children's bed yet, but he was about to wake up soon.

Her current physical condition must not force herself to contact Zhou Shaoyu, otherwise Zhou Shaoyu will be at risk of secondary infection.

Wen Yuduo climbed to the bedside table and picked up her mobile phone and edited text messages for her cheap husband. Although he had a headache and discomfort at the moment, Wen Taro Duo did not forget to be careful.

[Taro Duoduo: Injured at work with a baby, fever 38 degrees 9, boss, please pay medical expenses and work-related injury compensation as soon as possible!] She posted two more [cat grievances] and [cat and cat wear black silk to seduce]


Wen Yuduo threw her phone aside, looked at the ceiling chandelier in distraction, and felt a lot of pain in her throat.

Five minutes later, a text message suddenly entered the phone, and Wen Yuduo picked up the phone and glanced at it casually.

She sat up, rubbed her eyes in disbelief, and instantly felt a hundred times more energetic.

[Your 8886 savings card account received RMB 5,000,000 at 07:38 on XX month.

At the same time, there was a soft knock on the door of the room.

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