Chapter Thirty-One

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"The block is broken. Now you must see the visions. That sucks, I'm sorry."

"Dad?" I muttered, recognizing the 5-7-5 syllable pattern. He was the only one I knew who did that. He hadn't spoken to me in about a year and a half, but it was definitely him. I knew it.

"Hello Aisling," Apollo said. "I've been anxious to catch you. I was worried you'd wake up before I could find you. Unfortunately after... recent events, Zeus has been keeping a more watchful eye on his fellow Olympians, especially me, since you have such a close connection with the wizarding world. I cannot see you in person. This is the best I can do."

"Okay," I said. "What do you mean, the block is broken? Like, the one you put up so I'd stop having visions? Does that mean the visions will come back?"

"Unfortunately, yes," Apollo said.

"I — why? What happened?"

"Well, I put up the barrier assuming you would stay away from things that trigger or strengthen your Divination powers. You haven't been to see Professor Trelawney in a while, right? And you haven't been to the attic of the Big House to talk to the Oracle. So I believed there was nothing to worry about. But then..." He trailed off, gesturing at me to finish his train of thought.

"The prophecy," I realized. "When Harry handed it to me and I took it —"

My father nodded. "You practically put a wrecking ball through the barrier I put up."

"Can't you just put it back?" I pleaded.

"Unfortunately, no. Your attunement to Divination and prophecy is too strong now. It would only cause your mind and wellbeing harm to try putting it back up." There was a pause. "And I'm assuming you still want your mental capabilities and sanity intact, right?"

"Of course I do! Why would I —?"

"I am just making sure!" My father said defensively.

"So, what am I supposed to do now? The visions will just come whenever they want and there's nothing I can do to stop it?"

"Well, there is a way to ensure they stay restrained until you fall asleep, but then, just like before, it will be difficult to wake you up. An herbal tea —" His entire form flickered, causing his sentence to tune in and out. "eh — urh — focus your mind."

"Can you repeat that last part? You're breaking up."

"Huh? I — oo — uh-oh. It appears you are waking up. Or rather, being woken up. I must go."

"Wait!" I exclaimed. "What about that tea?"

"Talk to that centaur professor or Chiron about it," he advised. "Until then: we — eh — em — eet — eh — um —" He glitched in and out during what I assumed was a parting haiku. I barely heard him say, "Farewell!" before waking up.

As I opened my eyes, I recognized the ceiling of the hospital wing. I blinked a few times and glanced over to my bedside, where Madame Pomfrey had just revived me.

"There you are, dear," She said warmly.

"What — what happened?" I asked. "Harry — Sirius — "

"I'm here, Ash," Harry spoke up, and I noticed he was behind Madame Pomfrey. "And Sirius is at Grimmauld Place under house arrest."

"What?" I shrieked, sitting straight up. My mind raced at this news. So the world knew where Sirius was. He was under house arrest. Were they waiting for Azkaban to finish repairs from the prison break so they could send him back? I needed to get out of here right away.

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