Chapter 27

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Rosabella's Pov

"What changed" l heard my brother shout as l shot off the bed to hear what the noise was all about

"Because we need the money" l mom replied

"Seeing them and not being able to be with them will destroy her "my brother crooked out and l instantly ran and engulfed him a hug

"Rosabella go back to your room your brother and l are still discussing some adult business" mom snapped at me and l instantly started shaking

All my life seems like l've been doomed to abuse and it hurts knowing that l'll never escape this cycle of abuse

"don't talk to her like that" Alex raised his voice at her

"Don't you realise it , it's all her fault she ruined my life" mom said and slid to the floor crying and l stepped away from my brother in shock

I wish l could comfort her and tell her am sorry for ruining her life but l can't because she's right l ruin everything l touch

"From the day she was born l lost everything and all l wanted to do was protect her " l have never seen mom so weak

"Enough ma" Alex said but she laughed

"Truth hurts huh bambina you know it's true , because of her you are in this mess whereas we could have been in the mansion with no money problems" she said to Alex and my head snapped to him but the look on his face shattered my already broken heart

He blamed me

I could see it in his eyes

I ruined Alex's life

I ruined mom's life

I ran to mine well our room since we shared it and locked it

I leaned against the door and sobbed

You promised that l wouldn't have a reason to cry but you lied to me daddy, l won't take this pain anymore' l thought as l stood up and wiped my tears

My existence has only brought pain and suffering to the people l love but l will set them free now but before l do that l want to talk to my dad just once

Alex's Pov

What did l just do ??

For a moment l got carried away by what mom said and l saw the look on Rosa's face

She was heartbroken and l am the reason why

When Rosabella ran to our room l helped mom from the floor to her room and tucked her in bed

Our mother is not a bad person time and circumstances have always not been in her favour and the choices she's made have made her lose her way

"I love you guys so much Alex" she murmured and a year slid from her eyes

She always says this everytime l tuck her in when she's high or drink and it breaks my heart to see both of them in pain and it makes me wonder why mom took us away from dad

If the blood lines are pure then why are a mother and daughter at war

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