2 The Regent Wanna-be

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Richard led the way to the Gold Salon, reserved for the monarch, and sat in the most comfortable armchair. He nodded to a seat and Sean sat down. A footman left tea and sandwiches and departed silently.

"I should be regent," Richard said, tearing a sandwich in half and putting one piece in his mouth. He ground bread and beef between his teeth.

"He's very stubborn," said Sean, putting honey and cream in his tea. "While he's in hospital, and later, cared for here, you will be able to help him. Get up-to-date with what's happening in Forland." Take the hint, Sean thought as he sipped from his cup.

Richard's cell phone binged as a text popped up. He scanned the message. "Damn. It's Finn. Says Grandfather wants me to meet with Finn tomorrow morning at eight." He texted quickly, then put the phone away. "Told Finn I'd be here at nine. Or nine-thirty." He smirked. "Got to let these people know where they stand."

Sean kept his eyes on the tea in his cup and held back his tongue. He knew Richard was waiting for Sean to challenge him. Richard was as arrogant as ever. He enjoyed the perks of his position, more so since he became Heir Apparent, and glossed over the duties and responsibilities—the day-to-day work and drudgery. Richard isn't mean, Sean reflected, just full of himself. And self-centered.

Richard bit into another sandwich, chewed, and peeled the bread up to check on the filling. "We need better sandwiches. This roast beef is probably from Grandfather's dinner last night. He eats so little. I'll have Finn instruct the Chief Butler to use fresh ribeye in sandwiches. And Forland Gold mustard is much tastier.

Forland Gold cost €75 for eight ounces. Sean reflected Uther used fine ingredients, but decadence and excess were not part of his daily life. Richard would ensure he had the finest products as his disposal at all times.

"I'll have the butler refresh my rooms here. I'll use Prince Nels suite."

"That's on display in the public rooms, isn't it?" Sean asked, hoping against hope Richard would respect the age and fragility of the pieces. Prince Nels suite was museum-level furniture, three-hundred years old.

"No sense letting it gather dust. I'll need a new mattress for it, too." He peeled one slice of bread off two sandwich halves and put the meat sides together. He took a large bite, chewed, and nodded with approval.

"Uncle Uther won't like it."

"Then he shouldn't find out." Richard looked at Sean. "He's too sick to be bothered. I'll tell Finn that Grandfather needs quiet, and my arrangements here need discretion to keep from disturbing the King. Finn will understand."

He will certainly understand you will make him pay if he doesn't get what he wants, Sean told himself. He nodded and bit a sandwich.

"Now as for you, as soon as I can, I'll admit you to the family Order of the Swan. You should have received it when your father died at the latest. I always liked Uncle Waldemar and Aunt Vivian." Richard paused. "As soon as I may, I'll invite her to dinner here. That may be a while, though. Grandfather."

"Thank you, Richard. She will very much like to visit again."

"She hasn't been here in thirty years. Since the tiara disappeared. Funny. I don't see how she could have made off with it, but so what? With our cousins hanging around, hoping to marry one of the girls to me, she'll be useful."

"Have you considered marriage? The family is waiting for you to have heirs. If your older brother were alive, it wouldn't be urgent."

Richard grinned wickedly. "You're the next heir. Haven't you ever considered being King?"

"I have, as you have, but my home and inheritance is Westmere." Sean grinned back at Richard. He knew well of Richard's jealousy for his brother, the previous heir. "You know the old saying, 'The good of Westmere is the good of Forland.'"

Richard laughed. "So, it is." He quieted. "As for marriage, I won't marry for five or six years. I mean to enjoy my youth."

Sean coughed on his tea and wiped his mouth. "The Family must understand I will do what is best for me." After a moment Richard continued, "Perhaps cousin Diana will be a suitable then. She'll only be 25, a good age for my queen. When I have three or four sons, I'll have time for my own life."

Sean pitied Diana. She was a sweet young woman, intensely loyal to the Family, and would certainly marry Richard if the Family wanted her to. He thought of his parents' happy marriage. They were devoted to each other, loyal and had similar interests. They endured together rejection from the Royal Family. Their only regret was Vivian's miscarriages and the early death of a surviving child. When Sean was born, ten pounds, robust, healthy, and squawling for life, their happiness reached a new level. King Uther reportedly did not welcome a healthy male heir for Waldemar, for if he died without a male heir, the Duchy would descend to Uther.

"Join me in the gym," Richard said. "We can swim laps and soak in the hot tub."

"Can't, Richard," Sean shook his head once. "I have to go home and contact my people in Westmere and inform them of Uther's health and that I will stay here. I to check on Uther. Call me tomorrow when you want me. I'll come as soon as I can."

"Ever the good boy, dutiful and responsible." Richard laughed. "We've got hordes of people who will take care of the details." Richard shrugged. "I'll follow your example and go home to work, then."

The two cousins stood up, chatting as they left the room. Richard walked past a footman waiting to assist them. Sean nodded to the man and said, "Thank you, we are leaving." The footman bowed.

"They know what to do," said Richard as he pushed the elevator button.

"Uncle always spoke to the staff and let them know if he needed them."

"Ok, ok. "I'll call you tomorrow as soon as Finn is out of my hair."

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