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Memories have a way of haunting you, etching themselves into your mind like scars that never fade. And as I stand here in this hellhole, covered in scars, dripping with sweat and aching all over. Surrounded in nothing but darkness, the memories flood back to me, engulfing me in a whirlwind of fear and chaos as it has done many times before.

The memories of that fateful night as if it were yesterday. And as I stand here, shrouded in darkness - The air was thick with tension, a palpable sense of unease hanging over our pack like a dark cloud. The moon, usually a comforting presence, seemed to cast ominous shadows across the ancient forest. foreshadowing the chaos that was about to unfold.

It began with a whisper of warning carried on the night wind, a premonition of impending danger that sent shivers down my spine. I could sense it, my wolf senses it. I should have done something, said something, but I let doubt win and stayed quiet. And before I knew it, it was already too late.

And then, like a bolt of lightning tearing through the sky, they struck.

The Shadowed Claws, known for their heartless brutality and insatiable hunger for power, descended upon us like a pack of ravenous wolves, their eyes ablaze with a savage fury. It was a surprise attack, orchestrated with ruthless precision led by none other than the Alpha of the Shadowed Claws pack.

It was swift and merciless, launched by the Shadowed Claws pack, our most bitter rivals. Led by Alerick's father, the Alpha of their pack, they descended upon us like a horde of shadowy demons, their eyes gleaming with a hunger for power.

The sound of snarling and howling filled the night air as the chaos erupted around us, echoing in my mind, as the memory unfolds. My pack, the Silver Fangs, fought valiantly, but we were caught off guard, unprepared for the ferocity of the attack. Chaos unleashed upon us like a raging fire. Blades flashed in the moonlight, claws tore through flesh, and the scent of blood hung heavy in the air.

Amidst the swirling melee, I found myself face to face with the son of our greatest enemy. His eyes, cold and devoid of emotion, met mine with a chilling intensity. At that moment, I knew that he was not here to fight alongside us, but to take something precious from our pack.

We were outnumbered, we were the second strongest pack but small and compared to the numbers unleashed upon my pack, my home unpapered unguarded we didn't stand a chance. The air thick with metallic scent of blood and the primal roar of battle. Caught off guard, we fought valiantly, but it was a losing battle from the start. Their numbers overwhelming us, their ferocity unmatched. But we refused to give in, to succumb to defeat.

And then, amidst the chaos and carnage, I felt a cold hand wrap around my throat, dragging me away from the fray. I struggled against my captors, my heart pounding in my chest as I fought, but it was futile. The shadowed claws pack had me in their clutches, their grip unyielding as they dragged me away from the fight into the forest separating me from my pack. The fear for my life as thoughts of what they would do to me consumed me. I struggled, my heart pounding in my chest as I fought, begging them to let me go, but it was futile.

Another of the warriors brutally threw me to the ground, while another approached me, rope in hand as they bound and threw me onto the back of one of the warrior wolves.

I continued to fight with every ounce of strength I possessed. I felt a sense of despair wash over me, as I screamed for help, pleading for some to hear me, anyone. I was met with silence as I was dragged further and further away from home. me and dragged me further into the darkness further into the depths of the forest, away from everything I had ever known. And so, as the cries of battle faded into the distance and the moon watched in silent witness, I was taken from everything I had ever known, thrust into a world of darkness and uncertainty.

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