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The sun is casting a warm glow at the windows. I think I woke up early than usual. I came downstairs bounding into the dining room while rubbing my sleepy eyes and yawning as my messy hair bounced when I moved.

I plopped down in the chair next to my older sister, Azura. I was still half asleep to which made her chuckled.

"Morning, sleepyhead." Azura said, ruffling my hair affectionately.

"Morning.." I mumbled and gave her a half-awake smile.

"Here you go." Azura said, giving the glass of water in front of me. I thanked her with a yawn and started sipping on it. I looked down at my plate and the breakfast for today is pancakes. Dad took a seat next to me at the dining table and Mom handed him his coffee.

"Do we have training today?" I asked and glanced at her, she was already halfway eating her pancakes.

It's been a few months since I started archery training with my big sister. We've been practicing almost every day, and I've improved my archery and fighting skills, thanks to her.

"No, because I have something to do today." Azura answered and wiped her mouth with a napkin.

"What do you have to do?" I asked.

"I have to run some errands." Azura responded, drinking her water.

"Alright," I replied and continue eating my meal. A day off from training would give me a time to relax.

"Azura, could you stop by the market and pick up some vegetables? We're running low." Mom said thoughtfully.

"Anything specific you need, Mom?" Azura asked.

"We need some onion, garlic, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, and maybe some herbs if they have any." Mom responded and looked at her thoughtfully.

"Sure, Mom." Azura replied. Dad had been quietly sipping it when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it." Mom said as she placed her stuff on the table and walked towards the door. She opened it to reveal a soldier standing there. I rubbed my sleepy eyes.

"Good morning, Mrs. Zavala." The soldier greeted her.

"Good morning, General." Mom greeted with a smile.

"Pardon for my sudden visit without you knowing." General said.

"It's alright, General. Please come in." Mom said softly while inviting him to come inside of the house. The general nodded gratefully and walked inside.

"What brings you here, General?" Dad asked as he stood up from his seat and walked towards them.

"I would like to discuss something in private, Mr. Zavala." General stated.

"Follow me." Dad ordered and went to his office room to have the discussion as the soldier followed him behind.

My father was a tall man with broad shoulders and a commanding presence. He had honey blonde hair and piercing sky blue eyes. He was known for his exceptional combat skills and strategic mind, often leading our forces with a calm yet authoritative demeanor.

My mother was the heart of our family. She had chocolate brunette hair and striking purple eyes. She has healing ability to ease everyone's pain with her gentle touch.

My older sister, Azura, was a formidable warrior at the age of 20. She stood tall and confident with her chocolate brunette hair from mother while she got blue eyes from father and tan skin tone. She always wears a smile that could brighten everyone's day and protecting people at all costs.

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