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Chapter 18 - The Job

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I stir, my eyelids fluttering open: the first rays of Christmas day filter through the window, casting a warm glow across the bedroom. As I fully come to, I become aware of the sound of soft, steady breathing beside me.

Turning my head, I see Liam, still asleep, curled up against my side.

For the first time ever, he stayed with me.

I watch him sleep with a smile. Liam's face is relaxed, his features softened by slumber. In this moment of repose, he looks just like an innocent little boy, with tousled dark hair and slightly parted plump lips.

A pang of protectiveness wells up inside me. I reach out and gently brush a lock of hair away from his forehead, my fingers lingering against his warm skin.

I can't help but feel a sense of awe. Liam is so strong, so capable, yet here he is, completely vulnerable by my side.

There is this delicate balance inside him between strength and weakness, courage and gentleness.

I gaze at him for a long time, committing every detail of his face to memory. The way his thick lashes curl against his cheeks, the faint smudge of sleep beneath his eyes.

I can't imagine how on earth I would get through everything I'm getting through right now were it not for him.

My grandma's death. My mother's cold, cruel transformation. Finding out who my father really is.

The sounds from downstairs interrupt my train of thought, filtering into our intimate space, and I don't know if it's my imagination when I hear the bell ring.

I reach for my mobile phone which informs me it's half past ten, but I also get so many news notifications about the burnt down warehouse in downtown Dublin.

There's no mention of Nico's death, anywhere.

"Hey," I whisper, my voice barely audible above the din from the ground floor.

Liam stirs. He blinks groggily as he adjusts to the hazy morning light, and sits upright stifling a small yawn.

"What's going on, lass?" He murmurs, his voice still thick with sleep, and kisses the tip of my nose.

"I don't know, but it sounds like we have a visit."

"Whoever it is, they can wait." Liam pouts, and buries his face in the pillow.

"It's almost eleven, sleepyhead." I roll over him playfully.

"Eleven? I could have slept days if you did not wake me, sweetheart. It feels so good, being here, with you, Alexandra."

I smile. I know exactly what he means. I wish I could stay in this time bubble forever. Just me, Liam, sun rays seeping through the curtains and a tender touch of a kindred soul.

This golden memory will have to be enough; it will have to shield me from the harsh reality that will inevitably come.

"How are you feeling?" I rub my cheek against his.

He pulls me against his chest into a strong embrace.

"Much better than last night," Liam says, his tone now gruff, and I know he's about to be hit by a ten-ton truck loaded with thoughts of Nico. "I slept like a wee baby."

"I saw," I smile coyly. "You looked so... Helpless."

"Helpless?" Liam sticks his tongue out at me.

"Yes." I giggle.

"Let me show you just how helpless I am." With a playful grunt, he hefts me over his shoulder.

"You caveman," I faux-complain. "Where are you taking me?"

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