"U.S.J Attack!" (2)

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Everyone sets their sights on the villains, Aizawa was getting ready fighting off the group of villains while the hero 13 was signaling for us to leave

"13 aren't the alarms supposed to be going off" Yaoyorozu said with fear in her voice

As for Y/N you were staring at the villains, you knew that they didn't just come here without reason no... They had a plan of something, and that Snake... He felt off, and the snake stared back at you looking at your

"One of these villains probably has a quirk that is jamming our communications... Kaminari! Try contacting outside" Thirteen

"I'll fight them, 13 stay with the kids, Y/N, if 13 is out of commission you are in charged got it?" Aizawa changed his whole tone when he said that, he wasn't playing no, he is ready to fight to his death if he has to to protect his kid- I mean class

"They targeted this isolated facility at the same time a class was being teached... They must have a focused goal, they planned this well" Todoroki

"I agree, no one would try to raid any building in the U.A campus without a goal in mind" Y/N said as you pulled out your sword

Aizawa quickly dashed off the stairs and charged the villains head on, Y/N knew that there was a large amount of villains but Aizawa is no weak hero, he is a pro hero, Y/N knows that Aizawa will be fine until he has to deal with the last villain two villains being the hand villain and the purple snake


A purple mist suddenly appeared in front of us all and Thirteen quickly got in front of us while I got in front of everyone left and pushed them back behind me

Ah... Hello Young Heroes, I was informed that All Might would be here, It's a shame he isn't here

"What do you want with us! Tell me now!" Thirteen says standing her ground

We just simply want to kill All Might, That's all

"How? It's All Might! What makes you think you can kill him?" Bakugo said with venom as he defended All Might

Fisty huh? Well since All Might isn't here, I apologize in advance but why not crush his sprit with a couple of dead kids?

Soon as he said that he quickly charged us but Thirteen used her quirk blackhole on him, he was being pull but got the idea to teleport it behind her

Thirteen is caught off guard as her back has been sucked up by the black hole

"THIRTEEN!" Mina & Uraraka

Soon after that Kirishma and Bakugo had charged at the mist villain

"Bakugo Kirishma No!" Y/N said as they both rushed the villain trying to attack

Oh, looks like we have a hero here huh? Don't try it kid

Soon enough I see a purple mist covering nearly everyone and I jump out of the way, I quickly went to check on everyone but the only ones left were Uraraka, Shoji, Yuga, Mina, Sato, Sero, and Iida

I looked at Iida as I got an idea

"Iida! Go get help! I will hold the villain back!" Y/N

"Wha-at?! But I need to help everyone! I can't leave you guys here!?" Iida

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