AA V1 Alagore, Chapter 8

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"The Atlantic Three had complete a two-day summit in the US State of San Juan, Puerto Rico. The United States President Ken McCarthy, the United Kingdom Prime Minister Arthur Butler, and French President Timéo Comtois met to discuss a series of issues.

The primary focus of the 8th Summit was regional security within the Gulf of Mexico and to build security ties between the three Blocs, the US-backed Unified States of Allied Members (USAM), the UK Commonwealth Union, and the French Western European League. While the Summit is between the three Head of States of these three nations, it has been used to as a diplomatic forum between the three regional Blocs to maintain security and prevent economic supply chain competition.

A significant concern has been the growing narcotics trade into North America and Europe. A major priority has been to prevent the Cartels from expanding their operations into other hemispheres, bringing massive violence and bloodshed. A central focal point for France has been its province, Guiana.

A surprising central point of interest was the discussion of Astro politics. The United States and the United Kingdom have significantly cooperated on security, economic, and astro matters. While allies and Artemis members, traditionally, France has maintained some form of independence on those matters. This was a surprising change of pace, both citing the need to provide better security to the ever-growing astro-economy." - The Indie Show

March, 4th, 2048 (Military Calendar)

Temple of Indolass, the former Confederacy of Daru'uie,

Nevali Region, Aldrida, Alagore


After taking the temple, Mathew Ryder looked around as the Americans began setting up base, at least, or what was left of the temple.

"Not bad for a couple of hours of work," King said.

"Not bad indeed," Ryder replied. "I do wonder, though, what would this place look like in its prime? It is sad that there is almost nothing left."

"How old is this place?" Barrett said. "Thousands of years? Fraeya made it sound like this place was ancient."

"Cost of war," King said. "It is probably best that most of the ruins were degraded. Means we don't have to destroy them."

"Always the practical one," Ryder said. "Let's head back."

The three Comanche navigated through what remained of the Indolass Temple; they were forced to use the flashlights on their helmets to navigate because of how dark it was. They saw Rangers cleaning the destruction, removing the enemy corpses, and setting up camp. The alien bodies and equipment were being gathered to be shipped back to Earth for study. In contrast, anything that hinted of magitech was being collected for analysis, and fortifications were being constructed for an enemy counterattack.

While they won this round, the unknown was the biggest threat. This didn't bother the captain as he knew that, in time, they would learn how the enemy worked and adequately adjust. How the heart of their technology functions, and once they understood the building blocks of magitech, they would counter it. What concerned him was that they probably would do the same and were ahead of the competition. They had already taken many of their people and stolen whatever technology and research they found within the NASA facility.

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