CJ Stroud

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Denile is a River in Egypt

You sigh as you take a seat on the hot concrete of the basketball court. You had always hated the oppressive heat Southern California brought during the summer, but this year had been particularly brutal. This was definitely not made any better by Bryce and CJ dragging you along to watch them play one on one for what felt like the thousandth time this summer.

"Quit your complaining over there gorgeous! You know you're going to miss watching when CJ and I ship off to different ends of the country and take our awesome athleticism with us." This was very true, it became even more depressing each day that you wouldn't all be together after the next few weeks. Instead of allowing yourself to slip into mushy territory, you simply flip Bryce off.

"Whatever Young! I'm sure I can make do without your overwhelmingly handsome self hanging around all the time." you said with your voice dripping sarcasm. Bryce just smiles and blows you a kiss before quickly grabbing the ball from a distracted CJ. Bryce quickly dribbles down the court before sinking the ball in the net closest to you.

This behavior is nothing new for you and Bryce. You've always been comfortable playfully flirting and teasing each other, knowing that both of you would never catch actual feelings. Usually CJ would have something to add to your banter, but over the last few months you've noticed him slowly going back into his shell much more.

"You okay CJ?" You call out to him, concerned about how spaced out he was. You'd never admit it out loud but you had a bit of a crush on CJ. He was always your knight in shining armor, ready to save the day.

It all started in when you moved to California in middle school when some other girls were giving you a hard time about your appearance. CJ was the first one to come to your rescue telling the girls to lay off in some less than polite words. You stuck with him from then on. You two did everything together for those first few years: rode the bus home together, had weekly movie nights, and you never missed one of his football games if you could help it. This went on until he introduced you to Bryce and from then on your duo became a trio.

  "Yeah I'm fine, just a little hot." CJ answered without giving much away in his facial expression. Bryce narrows his eyes at CJ but doesn't comment any further. You turn back to the game you're playing on your phone while the boy's game starts for real this time.

Bryce's POV

By the time CJ and I's game wraps up I am sweaty and gross, but I am victorious! "You like that babe?" I yell out to Y/N, hoping she'll play along.

"You know it!" Y/N shouted back. She smiles at me briefly before putting her eyes directly back onto CJ. I really don't know how CJ doesn't pick up on how much Y/N likes him back. He's been in love with her since they first met. He's so in love that sometimes I fear he will deny it until he goes to his grave because risking the loss of Y/N would be too much to bear.

CJ has always been too good at hiding his feelings. It's been his best form of self defense since his dad was arrested and his life took a turn down a harder path. But when it comes to Y/N it's so painfully obvious. He looks at her like she hung the stars and he always finds some excuse to talk about her or be with her. I look over to my best friend to see him rolling his eyes at me calling Y/N "babe". I've slowly been trying to poke the green eyed monster out of CJ, but he's been making it difficult. I've tried to flirt with Y/N more openly, but CJ shakes it off with an eye roll. I made plans for just her and I, CJ told us to have fun albeit rather begrudgingly. I only have one more trick up my sleeve to get him to finally make a move.

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