Part 21 - My Everything

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Hi guys

Sorry for the long wait. Life got busier. I had no idea when I would be able to update that's why didn't even reply to comments too. Anyhow I promise the next chapter will be soon and be full of AkshNav

Abhimanyu smirked looking at Akshara who walked into the doctor's office. He was waiting for the exact moment, he had been planning for this for days.

After the drunk confrontation with her, he had learnt about her memory loss from Shefali. From the moment he had heard about it,he has been flying on cloud nine.


"Bhabhi.. do you understand, what this means.. she isn't the Akshara who loves Sharma ji.. she is now the Akshu who came running to me when I met with an accident.. She is my Akshu.. I have been wasting all this days drinking, if I had known about her memory loss earlier, she would have been with me now" Abhimanyu said twirling around Shefali in excitement.

" Abhi are you nuts? She is another man's wife! Also did you forget what happened when you asked her the last time to return back to you?" Shefali asked baffled at his intentions.

" Bhabi that time she was still angry on me that's why she behaved like that.. now that anger is gone, and with me shutting off the custody case she would have developed a soft spot for me.. waise bhi how is other man's wife ? Do you not remember herself confessing she and Sharmaji are nothing more than just parents to Abhir?" Abhimanyu questioned her.

" Par Abhi.. isn't that a matter of past.. she now loves Abhinav ji.. " Shefali tried to make him see the reality.

" Correction Bhabhi.. She loved Sharma ji.. she doesn't remember all that now.. she would only see him as a friend now.. I have to use this chance.. I have already lost everyone in my life.. now maa is also gone.. I have to get her back.. If she comes ,Abhir will also come to me and I will have my family back. " Abhimanyu said gleefully.

" Abhimanyu.. think first.. you pulled off Abhir's custody case yourself to let them live happily and you also fought with Manjari chachi for them.. now why are you behaving like this?" Shefali was perplexed.

" Yes I did all of that , only because I know after what and all maa did during Kairaav's marriage I will never win that custody case, Akshara being a lawyer she would easily use that against me in the case and win it . I thought by giving up I might atleast get to spend time with Abhir whenever I wanted to and with Akshara, after she confessed her love for Sharma ji there is nothing more I could do. So I thought it's better to move on.

But after I did all this for them, last time when I went to their house , that Sharma ji punched me and that Kairaav threw me out of the house! Now why should I think about them? " Abhimanyu said with anger clouding his mind.

" Abhimanyu... please think for some time and then take a decision.. even last time when you went to her home on the day of chachi's verdict she was hostile to you! Did you forget that? Even with the memory loss, it doesn't seem like she has feelings for you" shefali bluntly cake to the point.

" Bhabhi.. why are you trying to discourage me? Don't you want to see me happily living with my family?

To answer your question, yes she was hostile to me but it was because I was drunk and I don't know whatever crap Sharma ji has injected into her mind. If only I can have a one on one conversation with her without any disturbances, I can easily get her back.

I want my Akshu back with Abhir.. I know how to win her back.. just I have to awaken the love hidden within her. She will come back to her Abhi.. Akshu will come back to her Abhi.. i will beg her if needed ,Bhabhi please, you have to help me with this" Abhimanyu pleaded with her.

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