chapter 3

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Lets start the chapter...

After coming inside the collage tae went to locker room to collect his books

When he was done and about to go
He was enfluged by a tight hug from back

??- good morning bear

Tae - min_n_e I can_t. Br_ea_th leave me

Jimim - hehe sorry Tiger

Jimim leaved him

Tae - yahh!! I was about to die you shorty

Jimin - I am not shorty u shameless brat * said while glaring at him

Ignoring jimins glare tae walked away rolling his eyes

Tae - come soon hyung otherwise that Hitler professor won't let us enter in class room * said while walking away

Jimin - yah tae wait for me. * Said running behind him

With this beakrings they went to class and seated at thier usual place which is in the last

After sometime vmins class is going on but today they are not in mood to study so they are whispering to each other

Jimim - ok then..

Tae - then dadda spanked me hard and hitted with rular * whispering

Jimin- oh my God!! Why you do things like that so can samchon punish uh *. worried

Tae - sowwy hyungie * said cutely with puppy eyes 🥺

Jimin- it's ok bby I am here for you * said while side hugging

They were talking suddenly the prof. Shouted at them
They flinched and stood up in thier places

Prof.- min jimin, and joen taehyung do you want to get out of the class then uh May leave * said while folding his hand on his chest

Jimin - sorry sir it won't happen again

Tae - jiminie why are u saying sorry let's get out of the class na * whispering

Jimin- you dum head RM samchon must be on round If he saw us na then we will be Goan

Prof - what's going on thier again

Tae - hehe 😁 nothing sir we are sorry

Prof - ok sit down and focus

Vmin - yes sir * bowed and sat at bench

Other side with jungkook....

After coming in company he came out of his car with cold face and scary aera
Nd told the car guard to park his car and went inside.

Walking inside the company all the guards and workers bowed to him and jk nodded his head and continue walking inside

Authors pov.

Ryt now jk is working on his cabin then
He heard a knock in the door

Jk - come in * cold *

And here our lazy yoongi walking in with his grumpy face

Jk - hyung you here.
Good morning * said in soft and normal voice

Yoongi took the seat infront of jk and layed his head back

Yoon - good morning kook * said lazily

Jk - hm what about the metting Hyung

He is talking about mafia meeting with someone

Yoon - that's gonna be tonight kook * Sid while sitting properly in chair

Jk - what's the time

Yoon - 1.00 am at xx club

Jk - ok then I will be there

Yoon - no you are not going anywhere at that late * getting serious

Jk - common Hyung I am not a bby now. I have become a mafia king 👑 and a dad * said while whining

Yoon - No mr. Mafia king you will be always my baby whether you become old grandpa * said teasingly

Jk - no hyung I will goo.. * staborn

Yoon - kook no more discussion about it . You are not anywhere living tae alone in home. Do you get it ?? otherwise get ready for hard punishment * said strictly and coldly

Listening to this he became scared and kept his head down and nooded

Yoon - words bby " coldly

Jk - nae Hyung* said slowly

Yoon - ok so I am having meeting. I will leave take care and don't u dare to skrip meals * said geeting out

Jk - okiee hyung bye

Yoon ,- * nodded and went out
To be continued... ,
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