The beginning (prologue)

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Y/n pov age 2

I wake up from my nap to see Daddy picking up Charlie and walking out the room, leaving me in my crib... I tear up and cry, but nobody comes. So I stood up and climbed out of my broken looking crib. I waddle after them to see Daddy take her to his office, closing the door behind him. I tear up and waddle away. Why does daddy ignore me....

Age 5

Mum and da- no Lucifer and lilith left, leaving 'us' with our babysitters, Asmodeus and Fizzarolli!

Right now, Charlie is having a nap while I'm walking around trying to find Daddy... I mean Asmodeus for something to eat. I finally find him with Fizzarolli, who are reading....

"Daddy, papa , can I have something to eat?" I ask

I see them freeze and look at me with wide eyes. Fizzarolli extends his arms and picks me up to pull me onto his lap.

"Princess, we're not your daddy or papa?" Fizzarolli says
"Yes, you are papa!" I say
"Do you see us as your parents, little star?" Asmodeus asks

I nod my head. They both look at each other.

"I don't mind adopting her," Fizzarolli mutters
"Same. So it's settled. She is our daughter now." Asmodeus says
"Can I have food now, Daddy?" I ask, pouting
"Sure, little star." Asmodeus says

I cheer happily and drag them to the kitchen.
                                 .                                                             .
Age 10

I'm in the garden, laying on a bench, playing a game on my phone. I just look up to see Lucifer looking around and looking at me.

"Err (y/n), where's Charlie?" He asks
"Her room..." I say as I return to my game

I hear him walk away. I frown at this, and I simply follow him and lean against Charlie door.

"Charlie, have you seen your mother?" He asks
"Huh, no, dad. Have you asked (y/n)?" Charlie asks
"Who?... I'll just try calling your mother..."

I frown and walk away to my room and slam the door shut. I grit my teeth and walk to my desk. I grab a pen and write down on the paper. When I finished, I rolled it up and tied it with my favourite blue and pink ribbon that Papa got me. I quickly pack my clothes. I sneak out and rush to the last ring and to daddy office. I walk in and to the receptionist.

"What can I do for you, little one?" She asks
"I have this letter for d- Asmodeus. Can you give it to him?" I ask
"Sure thing, little one!" She says softly

I give it her ,and she takes it away. I nod and walk out. I tear up and rub my eyes. I hic, and I sprint to a empty open area.

"I'm sorry, Daddy, Papa... I can't stay there anymore..." I sob out

I click my fingers for a portal to appear above me. My wings spurt out of my back.

They shake before I fly through the portal, and it closes up

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They shake before I fly through the portal, and it closes up. I keep flying till I appear in the mortal world. I look around to see it's daytime, and I see two people in suits and fighting people. My eyes widen as I see the people in a suit summon water. I see muscles surround the other person limb. Wtf is this society! I blinked and saw the intention of the evil person who seemed to lose an eye in battle. I drop my bag and push the two people out of the way as the attack land onto the ground, causing the ground to be destroyed.

"A fucking kid saved my kill!"
"She saved the water hose heroes..." people who are hiding say in shock
"Kid, it's not-" the male of the two says

We see the evil person sprinting at us. My arm bursts into flames, and I grab the person in coming fist.

"Huh, what..." He says

I slammed him down while I burned his exposed muscle tissue. My wings return into my back as we see the evil person twitching on the ground and clearly burnt. Clearly not going to get up anytime soon.

"A kid beaten him" Someone says

Soon, everyone starts cheering. I turn to the people who are sitting next to me. Then a kid not as old as 3 runs to us crying, with a group of... cats?

"Mummy, daddy!" The kid cries

I watched them hug tightly as I got up and picked up my bag.

"Hey kid, thanks for saving them, but how old are you, and what's your quirk?" The tall man cat asks
"I'm 10 and... what's a quirk? I ask

His eyes and pulls me to the side to explain what a quirk is.

"Oh... " I say
"What does your quirk do?" He asks
"Well... I can create fire, I have wings, I can teleport, shapeshift, create portals, Angelic powers, manipulate, contract/deal making, and I can summon weapons. I might call it demonic Angelic...." I say

He nods, and the kid walks to me and hugs me tightly. I squeak in shock.

"Thank you for saving my mummy and daddy!" He says
"Err, no problem?" I say
"Now, where's your parents?" A women in pink asks
"I ... I don't have any parents" I say

They all look at each other quietly, and the cat women in blue kneels to my eye level.

"Well..." she starts
"Can she stay with us? She can help train those hero students and protect me" the kid says

My horns spark red and black. I clutch them as my eyes widen in shock...

"What was that?" The kid asks
"C-can we do this in a private setting..." I ask

They nod, and we all go to a random building after answering the police. Is this going to be my first soul contract...

"Now explain" the male cat asks
"Remember when I said I'm able to make contracts / deals?" I ask
"Yes" they say
"Well, when someone requested something, in return, I have their soul when they... die" I say
"Huh, why?!" Water hose man asks
"... I'm not from here, I'm from hell... I left hell to have a new life" I say

Everyone is silent quietly, I gulp nervously and rub my arm a bit.

"So, what's this deal?" The yellow cat asks
"Like the kid said, I help train the hero students and protect him, but in return, one of you must give me your soul when you die. However,  your soul will go to hell and be my assistant." I say

They all look at each other. The kid looks nervous. The yellow cat walks to me.

"Are you sure, Tomoko?" The male cat asks
"Anything to keep Kota safe" she says

My horns spark again, and it goes towards my hand. We shake hands, and our hands burst into red and black light, sealing her fate. I let go and look at my hand with wide eyes.

"Can we know your name now?" Kota asks
"....(y/n) Morningstar-zarolli. " I say

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