Chapter 35 - Izan

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I had never gasped in my entire life, but with Vera, there was a first time for everything. 

I was waiting for her down the stairs to go on our first official date wearing my best-tailored suit when she walked down so elegantly and regally.

She literally captured my breath, and I wouldn't mind if I died right at that moment staring at her.

She wore the sexy red dress I bought for her when she first arrived and looked extremely entrancing. Her beautiful, luscious hair was in a high ponytail, accentuating her jawline and cheeks, and the heels highlighted her smooth legs. 

After taking in every inch and storing it in my mind forever, my eyes landed on hers, and I didn't know what to feel. Too many emotions in my heart to be described in mere words.

"Are you going to help me or let me fall?" she asked with a grin, breaking my trance. I couldn't form a sentence and just held her smooth, delicate hand and helped her get down on the last few steps. "Do I look good?"

I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. I was hypnotized beyond repair. I cupped her cheeks gently, minding her makeup, and kissed her lightly. I was pretty sure I smeared her red lipstick, but I had to taste her. Touch her. Savor her.

I broke the kiss, planted my forehead on hers, and smiled. "You look absolutely exquisite, beautiful. No words could actually do you justice, amor." I ran my fingers through her ponytail and was tempted to tug on it but decided against it. Not the time. I needed to control my desires.

"Thank you, love," she replied, using this term of endearment for the first time. I was extremely happy. It felt like the world threw us into a different universe; we were the only ones in it, admiring each other. "You look handsome. I'll proudly walk beside you in the streets," she teased, kissing my cheek and then wiping the lipstick from my light beard.

She touched up her makeup and smiled, dazzling me away. "Shall we go?" I held my arm out, and she hooked hers with mine. I wanted to be hooked with her for the rest of my life.


"Mr. Guerrero," a man standing near the entrance of my restaurant walked over to us the moment I helped Vera out of the car. I looked at him with a blank face, and he cowered back a bit but regained his composure when Vera smiled at him. "Do you want me to park your car, sir?"

"Yes." I handed him the keys, and he literally jumped into the car to get as far away as possible from me. 

Everyone who didn't personally know me had this idea I was a merciless Mafia boss, and I didn't do anything to fix this image. I didn't care, and I liked them to stay away from me if their presence wasn't necessary.

"A smile would not kill you." Vera pinched my bicep, and I rolled my eyes.

"It would freak them out. They're used to seeing the cold side of me, and I prefer it this way. My smiles are only for you and my family."

"You're very sentimental, whether you like to admit it or not," she countered with a smirk, and I shook my head and let her inside. The atmosphere was peaceful, per my request when I bought the restaurant two years ago.

I instructed the manager only to hire the best chiefs and the kindest workers. I didn't want to be bothered with complaints every now and then just because the staff was inadequate.

The manager hurried to us when she saw me and bowed her head. "Mr. Guerrero, what a pleasant surprise. We didn't know you were coming today," the manager exclaimed nervously, then eyed Verena with a timid smile.

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