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A black glittering long car made a rich sound as it made a halt inside the large school's compound.

The driver rushed out to open the back door. Immediately he did, a boy with gold curly hair stepped out, smiling happily.

"Phoenix!!!" The girls around went crazy with their screams.

"Hey, babies" he winked at them and many nearly passed out.

"Stop smiling like an idiot, dickhead" another boy said with a cold tone as he stepped out of the car.

"V!!!" They screamed louder, but his cold face remained the same.

"Don't ruin my moment, Vernon" Phoenix glared at him.

"Whatever!" Vernon scoffed.

"I missed you, my princes!"

"Welcome back, my loves"

"Is Lucien still sleeping?" Phoenix suddenly asked, turning to the car.

"There's no way I'll keep sleeping from those horrible noises" Lucien said, coming out gracefully in his beautiful white attire.

Immediately his face came into view, and most students walking by stopped to admire his beauty.

"Is he an angel?"

"Is he a god?"

"Heard he's Lucifer's son!"

"He's the most handsome guy I've ever seen!"

Loud whispers came from students as they couldn't stop admiring.

"Don't blame me, if I end up killing you, show stopper" Phoenix said jokingly to Lucien.

"So this is the great Evermore I've heard so much about" Lucien smirked.

"Isn't it majestic?" Phoenix smiled.

"You mean annoying" Vernon said with a scoff.

"Welcome back to Evermore, dear princes" they heard a lady say with a smile as she cat walked to them.

"It's an honor to have you join us Prince Lucien, I'm Principal Hazel" she smiled sweetly, stretching her hand out for a handshake.

Lucien gave her hand a plain look and Hazel withdrew it with an embarrassed smile.

"Well, there's no need for much formalities. Just enjoy your stay in our noble school."

"I hope here is as good as they say" he said coldly with a scoff.

"Am sure you'll love it" She smiled and they walked out.

"I hope you do" Principal Hazel mumbled as she watched them leave.

As the boys stepped into their luxurious room, everywhere in it sparkled clean. The room has a large space with a very rich taste. It's so luxurious that one can't help but want to remain in it.

"Room, sweet room!" Phoenix muttered and went to sit on his bed.

"Better don't make me regret agreeing to stay with you" Lucien said, going over to his bed.

"You won't. Just close your ears when I start digging into sweet holes" he grinned and Lucien shot him a glare.

"I promise to cut your dick off this time" Vernon threatened as he walked to their balcony.

"Before you dream of doing that, am off to raise those skirts I saw earlier" Phoenix said, licking his lips and rushing out of the room.


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