[Side Story] The Princess comes to visit God p1

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5 week…

5 week had passed…

Alastor entered his room to be greeted by the familiar feline laying on his bed…

He step closer and kneel as he gently pat the feline… it only show weak sign of Breathing and twitching but it’s never responded to anything he said or open it’s eye…

What worried him the most was the fact that sometimes it bleed out of no where… he can’t find any source of the injury no matter how much he checked…

“My Dear get well soon” He sigh, He had tried using the feathers but just like Michael said it only help with the process but it wont fully heals him…

Heaven’s Punishment is certainly a Terrifying thing…

“Charlie’s Jasmine haven’t bloom… although she had take care of it as best as she could, But the Princess is no Gardener that’s for sure… Sometimes I had to stop her from over Watering it” Alastor sigh.

“I’m sure she’ll be happy to see it Bloom again…”

[I’m Sure she’ll be Happy to see it bloom Again]

Golden writing appear to the Darkness pit… it’s dark… and only the writings could Be the light…

His body felt so weak… it hurts… he wanted to escape, To see the light again…

But all he could do was just lay down and do nothing… his wings were Nailed to the ground, the ground that he wasn’t even sure if it’s a ground or just another version of the Void… the quiet void…

The dark and quiet void… everything is cold…

His Hands and Feet were chained to who knows where the end of the chain is…

It hurts… everything hurts…

The only comfort was the golden writings that appear at times…

But sometimes those writing disappear too…

His throat were painful… like something ripped off his Voice…

His eyes were blurry, His body felt weak…

‘Michael… Help’


He wasn’t sure how long he had been stuck in this place, in this form… it drained him more and more… although at times he felt a bit of angelic energy coming to him but it’s not enough… it’s never enough


Michael awoke from his sleep… “what was that?” he whisper.

His wings flutter as it’s feather falls… “what is…” he glance to the nightstand, The Halo was glowing brighter than usual before it start flickering… Michael felt his body fell when the Halo flicker and stop…

Slowly it come back to it’s natural light… why does he always have the same Dark void dream whenever The Halo do such a thing… he clench his chest as he tried to control His Mind…


Raphael had stopped showing his wings in public with the excuse that His new Uniform gets in the way…

But in reality… it was because some of his feathers are getting darker…

It scares him…

He tried to pluck the feathers away, It was painful… but At least he could get rid as much as possible, It’s fine… his wings can grown new ones and he doesn’t need to fly too often.

He brush his wings while a few dark shades feathers are next to him…

Each angels Punishment are different, Depending on what They did…

Depending on what Sin they had commit…

“Crap” Raphael voice was shaking, He pluck another dark colored feather out… “Stupid, I’m stupid… Stupid… Stupid” he swore at himself.

His feathers are decaying, He could feel his inside was growing dark…

Archangels aren’t supposed to fall in love with Humans… They aren’t supposed to fall in love with Sinners and even Those who are called Overlords…

Raphael had tried so hard to Play along… He had tried so hard to make sure he never actually fall in love…

But He overestimate himself…

He fell in love…

Fell in love with People that CAN’T  be redeemed, With people that could easily corrupt him… and they did…

“damn it” He Threw the brush away before falling to his bed and curl to himself…

He was decaying… he was slowly… little by little Losing his angelic energy…

He need to talk to God…

He stand up before making his wings disappear, Making sure to hide away all the feathers before rushing out of the room…


When he entered the throne room, with head down in shame… God seems to already know what He was here about…

He look up and notice Gabriel and Metatron was there, He fidget with his sleeve “Gabriel, Metatron Leave us alone please” God ordered the two Archangel stare at each other before Flying out and the door closed behind them.

“Come here my Medic” they offered a hand, Raphael step closer and accepted it, God gently lead him up to the Throne “May I see?” They asked.

Raphael Nervous take off his coat and his shirt, He wipe the Make up away and shown a Symbol to his waist. “I’m sorry I was Stupid” Raphael whispered glaring at the symbol, God gently brush it with their finger.

“No need to apologize” god go down from their throne to sit next to Raphael… “may I see your wings?” God asked and Raphael Make his wings visible… there were some… Injury and some Darken Feathers…

God gently brush a finger to the injury, a Single touch it had heals… and to the darken Feathers, It became brighter… it’s original color…

“What was your intention the moment you made that patch?” God asked softly

“I don’t know… I just… I don’t know” “There is no shame My Creation, I will not judge” God Told gently brushing Raphael’s wings… such a lovely wings.

Raphael Hug himself “I woke up, And I saw him next to me… I just think… ‘I Want him, I want… to be his…’ I… I’m probably was Driven by the fact of what we done that night and... I’m so sorry father” Raphael hides his face away.

God smile “Do you know what he did? What they did to end up there?” they asked “I do… I do” “Do you know what they are?” God asked and Raphael nod, Raphael know full well what Those two are… what they did… what they do for a living…

Which makes him felt worse…

“And yet you wanted him… Tell me Raphael, why them? Why him?” God asked again still petting Raphael’s wings gently

“…I… I don’t know”

“you know, I know you know… Try to think harder… try to understand what you’re feeling…”

Silence… Raphael was quiet for a while 5 minutes and God only Hum to filled the silence…

“I love them… God I love them… forgive me… I’m a disgrace, I’m weak… I fall for such a simple Temptations…” Raphael cried, his whole body shaking in fear…

God Smile softy… they know… the moment Raphael had made that First move, they could feel Raphael’s energy flickering a little… God gently pulled him to a hug to ease him.

“I appreciate your Honesty My Medic… but such a thing can’t go unpunished” That seems to make Raphael body to go stiff “Don’t worry, no harm will be done” God chuckle, Gently brushing Raphael’s hair.

“you will stay in Heaven, I will not cast you away… as long as you don’t let yourself fall that is… control your Sins, Control your Emotions, I do not wish to see you fall for Any Temptation that might Cause bigger problem” God Told, Voice gentle and warm yet there was a warning there… a little threat

“yes Father” Raphael whispered, God let go of the Hug “You know Who you chose are Horrible souls, souls that cause harm to other souls… Soul that have horrible intentions” “I know Father but… they don’t have Bad intentions toward me, And I… I promise I will try my best to not Fall for any temptation they Offer” Raphael put a hand to his chest.

“even Sexual Temptations?” God asked with a grin, Raphael face went flustered “I- I… Forgive me! Michael must’ve told you- I didn’t mean to” he immediately apologize “My Creation… you know full well I could see what you see, I could see what’s going on around my archangels” God sigh.

“I have to say… I am Disappointed in you, I understand you did it because of a good reason… But still”

‘disappointed’ Raphael felt like his own spear just spear through his chest! God is… disappointed at him.

“You know full well Archangels Purity is the pride of Archangels” God Glance at him, Raphael was about to Object before god raise a hand “Azrael is a lost cost, we don’t include him in such a conversation” God immediately spoke.

Raphael wanted to laugh at it… “I supposed I can’t undo what is done” God Sigh, They can… the both of them know full well that god can but they both know that One way or another… Raphael will do it again… with Lovers like those two there’s no way Raphael Going to Stay a Virgin before marriage-

“Apologies Father…” he sigh… God put a hand to his head “I can Make these Feathers return to normal once a week but that’s it, They will decayed again and again even if they turn darker you still will be able to fly with it but… Heavens would know that their Archangel of Health had committed some kind of sin” god pause “and if they decide to Make you fall then I can’t do anything” They added, They can… they both know God Can… but God wont… just like how God wont intervened with Lucifer’s fall Knowing full well Lucifer was Trying to Do the right thing…

Raphael lower his head in shame…



Zadkiel flinch when he heard his older brother Screamed, Ugh He’s too tired to deal with these two…

But he doesn’t have the guts to Yell at them! MAYBE HE REALLY SHOULD LIVED IN A SEPARATE BUILDING THAN RAGUEL!!


Zadkiel Slam his head to His desk, Father they’re so fucking Annoying… HE JUST WANT TO DO HIS WORK!!

Azrael has been ‘Pestering’ Raguel non stop Ever since Adam Death… And the whole extermination being on hold…

“Father make them stop” Zadkiel whispered… and then he heard a loud thump like something or Someone Falls to the floor…


Zadkiel let out a whine as he cover his ears with both hand and close his eyes, His brother is being too loud… he doesn’t like loud noises it always sounds so… Scary… so Harsh.

His phone buzz… he open his eyes to grab it and look… a message from… Satan?

<[Do you have that Book? The one That you used to Show me?]


[I show you a lot of book which one?]>

<[About the Creation of Mars]

[I think I still have it around, Hold on]>

Zadkiel force himself up to went out of his Office, Out of his room to the Living room and He stop in place…

“Um… I’m just Passing by” Zadkiel nervously look away, He quickly sprinted toward the Library

“N-NO IT’S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE ZADKY” Raguel Pushed Azrael Away who was laughing “You JERK!” Raguel punched Azrael Shoulder before kicking him off the couch.

“what?~ is it so wrong that I want a kiss?” Azrael Pout but somehow still manage to smile, Raguel Growl “You’re Giving Zadkiel The wrong idea” “Zadkiel? He Doesn’t even know what sex Means relax He wont even know what we’re doing if we’re both na-” Immediately Raguel shoved a Napkin at Azrael’s mouth before standing up to leave.

He went to the library to check on Zadkiel “hey uh, Sorry about earlier... Must mot be a Sight you want to see” Raguel apologize nervously, Zadkiel was Taking a photo of Certain book, He turn to look at his Older brother.

“um it’s fine… But Big Bro…  Please don’t argue with Azrael like that… It’s not nice to Fight you know” Zadkiel spoke nervously as he fiddle with the Book he was holding.

Raguel look confused “Fight?” “Y-yea weren’t the two of you… fighting on the couch? Don’t do that it’s not right…” Azrael was right… “Right, We wont do it again… I wont do it again I’m sorry Zadky” Raguel smile.

Zadkiel Smile “Its ok, Just don’t fight again ok? I would hate to see you fighting with your friends” “Of course Zadky, I’ll try my best not to”

“I’ll be heading back to my room now, We should go out for Lunch later!” Zadkiel Chirps Before walking pass him “Sure just text me the time” Raguel Wave

When Zadkiel walked out Azrael walked in with a grin “So?” “he thought we were fighting” Raguel cant help but smile “told cha~ Baby he’s too innocent” Azrael Hand gently brush Raguel’s Chest “Don’t call me Baby” Raguel sigh.

“Why not?”

“Azrael” Raguel glared, Azrael snickers as he gently rub Raguel’s shoulders before leaning in for a kiss but Raguel blocked it with his Hand “Seriously? Do you have any shame?! My brother almost caught us and you want to make out here?!” Raguel Snapped.

Azrael Grin didn’t disappear, But it soon fade when He saw Raguel’s expression… “Raggy Baby are you ok?” He asked worried, He leans away.

“Yes… I’m sorry… I just, This might sound stupid but… I miss Him”

Azrael smile softy before pulling Raguel to a hug, Gently hold him close “Would be more stupid if you don’t” He chuckle.

Azrael doesn’t like to be reminded that he had lost someone… he doesn’t like to be reminded he could’ve done something but didn’t because of the fear of Heaven’s punishment…

He had busy himself with work and pestering Raguel More than he used to… trying to get his mind out of thinking too much… because when he do think too deep, It will always return to Old memories…

“hey I should get going, I shouldn’t Annoy you too long I have work and you have Work” Azrael pull away with a laugh “Be careful out there” Raguel huffed.

“Can I get a kiss before I go?” Azrael point at His Lips, Raguel Raise a brow before he kiss his two finger before placed it to Azrael’s cheek instead of his lips “That work” Azrael Snickers and with that He disappear

Leaving a single black feather to Raguel’s hand…

Raguel smile at the Feather before putting it away.


Charlie stare At the Jasmine plant, They haven’t Bloom yet… what a shame, maybe the season?

She look up at the Giant pentagram on the sky…

“are you ok hun?” Charlie turn to look at Vaggie “A little, I was just wondering why These wont bloom” Charlie muttered “Alastor said something about season” She added.

“well you would need Patience then, Come on let’s go inside” Vaggie offered a hand and she Took it Happily, The two of them entered the Hotel… It might still be not as Crowded as She want…

But They do have some Sinners that came to check even if they didn’t end up staying though… what a shame :(

At least some sinners actually find it a little interesting!

“Uh Charlie… someone’s here” Angel Spoke nervously as he point at the door, Charlie let go of Vaggie’s hand to rush to the door and open it.


“DAD???” immediately Lucifer Hugged her before letting go “What are you doing here?” Charlie asked “Didn’t I tell you that I’ll be visiting? Oh wait I didn’t” Lucifer muttered, he swear he told her he’s coming over-

“well damn sorry then, But I’m actually here to tell you something” “do you want to talk in my Office or?” “no no, I’ll be quick actually… after this I’m meeting Leviatan and all… to deal with some issues from his ring” Lucifer gesture his with hands before he talk his cane Nervously.

“Oh ok, uh… go ahead dad”

“I’m… Planning on visiting Heaven! And I had inform Michael about he asked me if you’re coming or not, and I think… Maybe it’s a good idea to bring you along! Meet Father! Meet the other Archangels!”

“The People that threw you out?” Angel raise a brow “it was a misunderstanding, We’re cool now…” Lucifer shrugged “so What do you say? Come with me to Heaven? Just to visit for a day or two” Lucifer offered

Charlie think for a few moment before she look around and her eyes land on her girlfriend, She turn back to her dad “Can Vaggie come too?” She asked which caught Vaggie off-guard “Of course!” Lucifer nod.

Vaggie want to say no but the smile on Charlie’s face make her back down on her words…

“then We’re going with you to Heaven! When will you leave?” Charlie asked “in a Few Minutes so Ready up! Leviathan is already waiting for us” Lucifer Chirps “that is a VERY late information” Vaggie Muttered “I swear I texted, Maybe I forgot” Lucifer muttered.

“Now now, Hurry up and get ready” Lucifer wave at them, Charlie immediately rush to grab Vaggie’s Hand and rushed to the Elevator to their room.

Lucifer summoned his phone… oh he really did forgot… he didn’t text Charlie or mistaken anyone as Charlie.

“Want to sit down While you wait your highness?” Angel offered, Lucifer look at him and shake his Head “No it’s fine, I’m sure it wont take long!”

Angel Nod before leaving him alone, Lucifer look up at the ceiling… why does he felt like there’s still some Angelic Power around? It could be because Charlie is dating an Angel right? But the power around the Hotel felt stronger than an Exorcists usually have…

But he can’t detect who’s power it is… it felt weak and Far away from this ground floor…

[I’m going there w/ Charlie and Her Girlfriend]>

<[Bring That Alastor guy too]

[Michael No-]>

[You have Horrible taste in men]>

<[I- what??? I just need to talk to him Luci nothing Like you thought!]

[I’m not bringing that son of a bitch]>

[If you want to say anything to that deer man just ask Charlie to pass it on later]>

First Adam and Now Alastor??? Michael really Have a bad taste in Men-

Michael redesign for Story plot 2

In some fandom that leaning to hell usually Make Michael Looks like the bad guy, Who overly oh so confident that he's the best because he's God's Favorite and he doesn't regret Anything even if that thing is Bad

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In some fandom that leaning to hell usually Make Michael Looks like the bad guy, Who overly oh so confident that he's the best because he's God's Favorite and he doesn't regret Anything even if that thing is Bad.

I'm not going that route and Im sure everyone that had read the story can see... im trying to depict him as just a genuine kind guy who Have issues with himself for making bad decision, deep down He's not prideful for what he had done but he had to do it because it was his job. 


TheArchangels does have color coding which some are obvious and some are not

Michael is (any shade of) Gold (while Lucifer is crimson Red)

Raphael is Autumn Orange (yes, im going on a shade of Warm colors for the three Sibling)

Gabriel is Teal

Zadkiel is baby Blue

Raguel is sun yellow 

Azrael is Violet Purple

Kasory is Cherry red

The Chaos Of Heaven Came to hellWhere stories live. Discover now