☆Chapter Three☆

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You groaned and pressed snooze on it, It was the weekend after all.


Eventually you woke up and did your morning routine. Brushing your teeth and hair, doing skincare, applying lotion, ect. 

You put your hair up in a messy, but cute, high ponytail and made yourself a cup of coffee. 

Finally sitting down to check your phone you noticed you had a couple missed messages from miss popstar herself, Velvet. (yes I'm gonna keep saying the title of the book cuz its funny)

Velvet: Hey cutie, me and my brother were wondering if you wanted to come over today?

You stared at the message and thought for a moment. You were still sort of tired so it didn't really click that a famous millionare was asking If YOU could come over.

You shook your head and said out loud "Holy fucking shit" While typing up an answer.

Y/N: Of course! What time would you like me to come over?

You waited for an answer paitently and went back to your bathroom to check how you looked.

In simple words, you looked rough.

You got the messaged from Velvet a couple moments later.

Velvet: Can you do 2?

You looked at the message then at the clock, it was 11:12 right now so you had almost three hours to get ready.

Y/N: yup I can do that, send me that address and I'll be over then!

She sent the address and you excitedly got into the shower.

You cleaned your hair, body, face, everything very thoroughly. You also made sure to use your vanilla scented things because you wanted to smell AMAZING.

After you were done with that you blew dry your hair. Once it was basically fully dry you straightened it. 

Next you did your makeup, a simple glittery look. You did the usual 'no-makeup makeup' but put glitter on your eye lids, on your cupids bow, and a tiny bit on your neck bone.

Finally you got to choose an outfit. You chose a cute top that was sort of see through at the belly, it was also lace. Then you chose a low waisted jean skirt.

You put on some chunky boots and looked at yourself in the mirror one last time

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You put on some chunky boots and looked at yourself in the mirror one last time.

Then you walked out the door.


Velvet and Veneer lived in the middle of mount Rageous, about 35 minutes from your house. Plus the traffic would probably be bad since it was a Sunday in the middle of summer.

It was about 1:23 when you left.


On the way there you were worried about a lot of things. What if Velvet and Veneer weren't actually nice? What if Velvet was just teasing you and gave you the wrong address? 

You kept double checking yourself in the mirror, making sure you look good.

All of your fears left you though when you finally made it, you pulled up to a beautiful white mansion. It almost looked like a bigger replica of Regina Goerges house.

It was much less modern than you expected.

You pulled up to the gate and there was a man in a little booth there.

"Hello ma'am, who might you be?"

"I'm Y/N, Velvet invited me here-"

"Oh go on in she told me she had a visitor with that name!" He smiled and winked.

You smiled back and he opened the gate. You drove in and parked.

Stepping out of your car made you realize how humongous this house REALLY was. It was bigger than anything you've ever seen before. You walked up to the front door and rung the doorbell.

You heard some voices from inside. A very feminine voice said "NONO I'LL GET IT MR BUTLER OR WHATEVER THE FUCK YOUR NAME IS" 

You laughed a little at that. Then the door opened to Velvet smiling. Her hair was down, which was very weird for her, usually she kept it up.

She had on a beautiful crop top that was bedazzled in diamonds, and cute bell-bottom jeans with short heels.

She looked incredible.

"Hi Velvet!" You said smiling, she smiled back.

"So glad you could make it!" She grabbed your hand and pulled you into the house.

Somehow it was even bigger on the inside.

You turned your head to an open kitchen with Veneer standing eating an apple.

"woww this is your friend? I thought she was gonna look like a mole-rat, shes actually pretty" He said leaning on the counter.

You smiled awkwardly, was that a complement or not? You couldn't tell. But it didn't really matter since Velvet answered for you.

"I know bro, I don't take home ugly people" She gave him the finger and dragged you to the second floor.

"Sorry about Veneer, he's almost too gay to function" (Mean girls reference)

You giggled at that, which made her stop walking and turn around to look at you.

You immediately stopped laughing and said "what?" She stared at you, you could of sworn you saw a pink tint in her cheeks.

"nothing" She didn't let go of your hand and kept walking.

Eventually you made it to two doors, one with a purple star on it, and one with a dark blue star on it.

She opened the one with the purple star and it led to this huge bedroom.

Pink and gold carpets, gold walls, a whole couch, a huge TV, and a humongous bed. It was an incredible comparison to your tiny bedroom back at home. 

"wow, this is incredible!" You said after she finally let go of your hand. 

"I know" She said sitting on her couch and crossing her legs.

She went on, "So Y/N what do you like to do? I just realized we never really got to know eachother" She smiled at you and tapped a spot on her couch next to her. 

You sat on the spot and thought for a second. "well I love dancing, and cooking" You said happily.

She smiled. "Me too!" 


You two talked about your interests for like an hour after that, she was suprisingly similar to you. She was sweet too. 

Then she stood up "soooo since you said you like cooking, wanna go cook something together?"

~1009 words~

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