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Being surrounded by the two men while bathing felt surreal. I wasn't complaining, though, as in this time of the end of the world, my thoughts were solely focused on how to survive this dire situation.

"Lin Rhe, why are you keeping your distance? We won't eat you, at least not literally," Jared smirked teasingly.

We were now preparing ourselves to enhance our abilities. Jared was running to improve his stamina, while Harry practiced meditation to calm his mind. As for me, I engaged in stretching exercises and practiced self-defense techniques. It was vital for us to be well-prepared for our impending departure.

Once our preparations were complete, we sat down together to eat dinner. The crackling sound of the firewood added a sense of tranquility to the night. I couldn't help but glance at Jared as he bandaged his wounds. Rising from my spot, I walked over to him.

"Jared, let me take care of your wounds," I offered.

"O-okay, Rhe," he replied, allowing me to tend to his injuries. Though it felt somewhat awkward to be in such proximity, I was determined to help him.

"You know, Jared, in this apocalyptic time, I realize the importance of being stronger, not just for my own sake, but also to protect and help those I care about," I expressed, looking into his eyes with sincerity.

His hand gently held mine, and a ray of tenderness shone in his expression.

"Rhe, when I want to be with you, to be your man... would that be okay with you?" Jared confessed, his voice filled with vulnerability.

I took a moment to consider his words, shifting my gaze to Harry, who had been silently observing our interaction. With honesty and transparency, I responded.

"To be frank, both you and Harry hold a special place in my heart, and all I want is for both of you to be happy with me," I admitted.

Harry, breaking his silence, spoke softly, revealing the depth of his feelings.

"At first, I felt jealousy when another man got close to you. But ultimately, all I want is for you to be happy and by my side," he confessed.

Moved by his words, I couldn't help but feel a swell of emotions. Tears welled up in my eyes as I looked at them both.

"I care about you both deeply, and being with you might seem selfish given the circumstances. But what can I do? I want to be there for both of you," I said, my voice filled with earnestness.

As the night wore on, we settled down to rest. I chose to sleep in a hammock, while Harry and Jared lay on the ground, each with their blankets. Tomorrow, we would embark on our journey, preparing to traverse the challenges that awaited us.

Several hours passed, allowing us to replenish our energy and gather our strength. It was time to continue moving forward. Stepping outside, we found ourselves confronted by a world plagued by zombies. Though the immense zombie was nowhere in sight, the sound of a loud gunshot pierced the air. Suddenly, I felt a searing pain in my shoulder, realizing I had been hit by a bullet. Confused, I looked towards the source of the sinister laughter and recognized the voice of Sia Tong, that wretched woman.

"So, you're the woman who saved that worthless man. Turns out, he was rather handsome. I was deceived by that man. If only he had submitted to me, I could have used his body," Sia Tong exclaimed, her words dripping with malice and contempt.

At that moment, Harry swiftly stepped forward and instructed me to move aside. Focusing his energy, he generated a powerful blast of lightning, directed towards Sia Tong. The resulting explosion echoed throughout the city. However, my heart sank as a deep guttural growl reached my ears. I dreaded what lay beyond.

"Harry, we need to leave now," I urged, my voice filled with urgency.

The massive seven-foot-tall zombie thundered towards us, emitting low, menacing growls. The putrid scent of decaying flesh accompanied its every move. Its presence alone was terrifying, but what struck fear into our hearts was its ability to secrete a green slime capable of dissolving anything it touched.

Harry injured Sia Tong and promptly joined us, tightly gripping my hand. Together, we sprinted towards the exit gate, the zombie hot on our heels. Guttural growls reverberated through the air as we made our escape.

"Grrrrrr. Grrrrrrr. Grrrrrr," the zombie growled, relentless in its pursuit.

Arriving at the gate, Jared swiftly destroyed the bridge we had crossed, effectively cutting off the zombie's path. With our backs against the gate, we could feel our sweat mingling with the rain that had begun to fall. It was time to depart from this city.

"We must keep going," Harry declared firmly,
Jared and Harry nodded in agreement as I suggested we seek refuge in my space due to the rain. It was essential for us to take a break and regroup.

"Okay," Harry acknowledged.

"Sure," Jared agreed.

Taking each of their hands in mine, I summoned my space power and uttered, "In." In an instant, we found ourselves within the safety of my space. We needed a momentary respite from the harsh realities of the outside world.

Now inside the protective confines of my space, I focused on finding seeds to cultivate and cultivate the land. Preparing our provisions became the next task at hand. After satisfying our hunger with food, we began mapping out our plan. We required a vehicle, gasoline, food supplies, clothing, and water for our journey.

"Tomorrow, we'll need to search for a nearby gasoline station," I stated, addressing both Harry and Jared.

"I recall there being a gasoline station nearby," Jared interjected, leaning against a tree.

I turned my attention to him, raising an eyebrow inquisitively. "Are you certain about that?"

He closed his eyes momentarily, deep in thought. Confidence washed over his features as he responded, "Yes, I'm quite certain there is a gasoline station nearby. We just need to exercise caution to avoid any potential obstacles."

As the conversation continued, Harry expressed his need to bathe at the waterfalls. He excused himself and made his way towards the cascading water. I watched him depart and felt a slight sense of relief, momentarily lowering my guard.

Engrossed in our discussion, an unspoken connection formed between Jared and me. I couldn't help but notice his unique abilities and the way he had managed to escape Sia Tong's clutches. Curiosity compelled me to address the topic.

"Jared, I can't help but wonder why you didn't mention your abilities earlier. Why did you not use them to evade that woman?" I questioned earnestly.

Jared paused for a moment, collecting his thoughts before responding, "I've been quietly preparing and keeping a low profile. But now that I've met you, Lin Rhe, I want to stand beside you and face the challenges together."

Surprised by his confession, I felt a surge of emotions. Rising to my feet, I met him halfway, our eyes locked in an unspoken understanding. He gently cupped my face, drawing me into an intimate embrace, and our lips met. It was a tender and affectionate kiss, an unspoken bond formed between us.

As we pulled away, a sense of warmth and determination radiated within us. I couldn't contain my smile as I spoke words of assurance in the face of adversity.

"Jared, I'm grateful that our paths have crossed. Together, let's navigate the challenges and build a future worth fighting for," I murmured, my voice filled with conviction.

Jared nodded, his eyes shining with determination. "I'm with you, Lin Rhe. Side by side, we'll navigate this wasteland and create a better world."

Returning to our spot on the grass, we patiently awaited Harry's return from the waterfalls. Our minds are buzzed with plans and strategies for survival amidst the ongoing rain. It served as a constant reminder of the obstacles we would encounter.

Tomorrow marked a new day, another step forward in our quest to reclaim our lives within this post-apocalyptic world. With Jared by my side and Harry as our unwavering ally, a spark of hope ignited within me. Together, we would tackle any challenges that came our way, united in our pursuit of survival, love, and a brighter future.

DOOMSDAY ROMANCE:  SPACE POWERWhere stories live. Discover now