Chapter 23: Seven Days in the Haunted House

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After the door opened.

The sounds from behind continued to sound, and the cries were also mixed with a few harsh sounds of friction and collisions, making those who listened tremble.

Although several people were puzzled by Gu An's behavior, it was not the time to talk now.

After the door was fully opened, several people ran in.

What Gu An didn't know was that when he entered the gate, he was passively cut off from the outside world.

Ming Ye said a few words to Gu An, but did not get a reply from Gu An. Thinking about the title he asked Gu An to call just now, he thought that maybe Gu An was embarrassed.

He didn't dare to talk to Gu An anymore, for fear of making Gu An angry and he would be forced to give up the grain debt again.

After a few people entered the gate, they felt as if they had stepped into a strange circle. The road under their feet was very soft, and they felt a little fluttering and unsteady when they stepped on it.

However, a few people just ran away without paying attention to the changes in the ground beneath their feet.

As Wang Qing ran, he whispered to Wang Jing: "Gu An is calling husband to that door. Is this some kind of strange spell? It's like open sesame."

Wang Jing didn't think it was a mantra. Whose mantra had these two words?

Not to mention, when Gu An shouted, his soft expression was like looking at his beloved lover.

He said: "Maybe there is a person hiding in that door."

"I'll go!" Wang Qing rubbed the goose bumps on his arms and whispered, "Don't talk nonsense, there's no chance that there's really something in there!"

When Wang Jing heard this, he hurriedly pouted on the ground a few times and did not dare to say anything else.

Although they deliberately lowered their voices when they said this, in this silent environment, the sound seemed to be amplified several times through a loudspeaker, and Gu An could hear it clearly.

The further they ran, the thinner the air became.

After running for who knows how long, Gu An suddenly stopped, and Yu Qing, who was beside him, also stopped.

Wang Qing asked inexplicably: "Why did you stop? Is there something in front of you?"

Yu Qing clicked his tongue and said, "If you continue like this, you will be eaten up by those things in less than three days."

In the darkness, he turned his scimitar: "I'm curious, how did you survive until now? Are new players of the escape game so weak now?"

Wang Qing's face was filled with anger after what Yu Qing said, but what Yu Qing said was true. He said gloomily: "This is my second time entering the game. I didn't encounter these in my last world, so I'm causing you trouble. Yes, I’m sorry.”

Yu Qing's tone was indifferent and his emotions could not be heard: "It can only be said that you are lucky, but luck will not always favor you. If you don't become stronger, you will die here sooner or later."

Gu An's eyelids trembled. He couldn't see Yu Qing's expression clearly, but he felt that what Yu Qing just said contained a deeper meaning that he couldn't understand.

"No two players will stay in the same world forever," Yu Qing said, "Joining a group to keep warm. I advise you to give up on this idea."

Wang Qing clenched his fists tightly and said nothing.

[EDITED MTL] The Boss of the Escape Game is my Husband Where stories live. Discover now