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I had a literal migraine in calculus, which resulted in me holding back tears. Dad and I both get them, and he tells me not to cry because it makes the headache hurt more. But sometimes I really can't help it.

I wasn't paying attention to Mr. Hassle's lesson at all, and I couldn't even attempt to. The lights were making it worse, and I resisted the urge to lay my head down and close my eyes.

The throbbing pain intensified, and a single tear rolled down my face. I wiped it away quickly with my sweater sleeve before I started feeling lightheaded and dizzy.

More tears started to fall and I cursed in my head. I wanted to throw my head into a cold brick wall to get the pain to stop.

"Are you okay?" Mr. Hassle paused the lesson for 2 seconds to single me out in front of everyone.

I put on a forced smile, even though my face was drenched in tears and snot. "Can I go see the nurse?"

He gave me a nod, and I quickly stood up and left the classroom, avoiding Devin's annoying gaze.

The walk to the nurse's office was painful, since I could barely see where I was going. The lightheaded sensation was so horrible that I almost ran into a few walls on my way there. It was so embarrassing.

I walked into the nurse's office and gave her a small wave. She knows exactly why I'm here because I've had to make a visit before. One time I threw up in a biology lab from a migraine and Mom had to come get me from school.

But now the nurse keeps a headache cap in her freezer for when I need it. She also has medicine for me, which barely works, but I still take it.

"Sorry about the pain, honey." she apologized in the most sincere tone she could muster up.

I bet she's never experienced a lethal migraine before in her life.

She dug through her freezer and pulled out the headache cap bag with my name written on it.

"Good thing we came prepared, though." she said, while taking it out of the bag and handing it to me.

It was pink.

I put it on my head, letting it rest at the top of my eyelids so I could still see, even though I normally would put it over my eyes completely and go to sleep.

I took my medicine with a cup of water, and then the nurse turned the lights off and let me sit in a chair to rest until next class period.

I had soccer next and I wanted to kill myself.

She clicked away on her computer, and I put my cap over my eyes, letting the cold compression do it's thing. I relaxed my body as best as I could, even though my brain was throbbing so hard I thought it might explode through my eyeballs.

My tears collected under my chin as they continued to roll down my cheeks and my neck. The pain was so horrific that I think I sobbed a little bit in the dark nurse's office. She didn't say anything about it, though, which was nice.

I was mostly grateful that I wasn't experiencing any nausea, which is a common symptom from my migraines that I fucking hate.

When the bell rang for last period, I cursed out loud. The nurse gave me a warm smile.

"I hope the pain stops soon, honey. Try to take it easy for the rest of the day, okay?"

I mumbled a weak "yes ma'am" and a "thank you" before leaving her office and returning to the extremely crowded hallway full of students.

I got a few strange glares for the pink headache cap resting on top of my head and over my forehead, but I didn't care.

I trudged out of the school building and made my way over to the soccer fields for practice. There was absolutely no way in hell that I was practicing today, but I'd at least sit the bench or something. You know, to be supportive and all.

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