Chapter 10

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Noah's house was stunning.

Obviously it looked like all of the other houses on the street, but somehow it stood out from the rest as if it were made of marble instead of granite. It even had a slight gleam to it like a thin sheet of rain had polished it.

"So...this is home I guess," he shrugged his shoulders and gestured that I go in first. From first-hand experience I immediately curled into a ball and awaited a savage dog- especially as I recalled that every household had a guard dog.

Nothing happened.

Noah laughed nervously and there was an awkward silence as I stood up,
"Err haha by any chance have you had an experience with Wilma?" He asked with a hint of anxiety in his voice.

"Yeah... I tried to run away once." The memory of that attempted escape seemed so ludicrous after all that had happened since then.
"How do you know Wilma?" I asked,

"Oh... well... you know when I was dragged away?"


"Well... let's just say Wilma was given a new bait to train with for a while." His cheeks changed and I couldn't restrain from showing by horror.

"Yeah, well, 'discipline is virtue' I guess." He looked away as if he preferred not to talk about the subject. I, at that time was not aware of this action and proceeded to ask,

"How did you escape?" He was a little startled the conversation was being continued, but he did his best to hide his surprise.

"Oh? That? Well... they forgot my birthday was that week so they just had to send me bruised back to my parents..." He put his hand on the back of his neck in the way people do when they're uncomfortable. I noticed this discomfort- but I didn't know to change the subject.

"But anyway... you should get cleaned up. My sister isn't going to be very happy with all this dirt. It will drive BowWow mad again."

I looked at him as if he had just spoken to me in a different language.

"Oh... BowWow is my dog. You know how on that first day of school the teacher said that each household has a dog based on importance and whatnot?"


"Well... my parents are human waste managers so..." he made a whistle to call 'BowWow'. A cream coloured rag of bones came skittering down the hall and for a second I thought he had a werewolf- before it skidded on the wooden floor and crashed into my leg.
"Meet BowWow. The most useless dog in the village."

"Oh wow! What kind is he?"

"She. And she's a greyhound. She doesn't do much... She runs. Sleeps. Eats. That's about it."

"At least she's low maintenance?"

"I guess... but she's good company. For instance she'll keep you company while I go shower. I smell like BowWow after being in the sea... except she finds the sea too cold." He muttered to himself as he made his way up the stairs.


I had to admit, BowWow was a cute dog. She wasn't a very cuddly dog because you could see her ribcage as if you were looking through an archway- but her eyes were a beautiful shade of brown like chocolate.

I remained in the hallway unsure of where to go when a second voice shot towards me. For some reason it made my whole body shiver as if ignited with venom.

"Noah? Is that you? You better not of have been on that bike again I'm telling you. You could get into trouble for-" A young adult of around 20 stepped into my line of sight and glared at me like I was some kind of bizarre species. She was tall and slender with dry blonde hair wrapped tight into a high ponytail, and she had green eyes like Noah. Her lips were pouted into an accusatory frown and her eyebrow was raised higher than the Heavens. She looked like a spitting image of Noah aside from the fact she had blonde hair and she was a woman.

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