Chapter 5.2 - Super Villains Don't Plan, They Scheme

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Lifting my hands, I took a tentative step to the side, placing myself between them and Avia — I didn't know what the stun bolts would do to her cybernetics. And if they took us and discovered her identity — well, not a good outcome for her. Avia was a pain in the arse, but she was my pain in the arse.

"What is the meaning of this?" Arthur growled, jumping up from his seat.

"Sit down, old man," said another voice from the hatch threshold, Derek's voice.

Arthur seethed, shooting fire from his eyes as Derek stepped into the room. "You..." Arthur hisses. "After all I've done for you, now you betray me?"

"Oh, please," Derek scoffed. "Did you really think I would stay with you? I have higher aspirations than living in this hellhole." He pursed lips and blew a kiss. "Although some parts were fun."

"How long have...?"

"Since before we met," Derek replied with a mocking grin. "Did you think Omni-Corp would just let you go without keeping watch? And now you've violated the agreement. Tsk, tsk — you've been a bad boy."

"And these two," Derek continued, motioning toward me while shaking his head. "Zachary, and... Avia is it? Well, the corporation has them on the naughty list. And here you are associating with them, Arthur."

"The Cartel will not stand for this, Derek," Arthur spat.

"Oh, they already have. Omni-Corp can be very convincing." Derek sighed. "You should be happy for me, Arthur. I will get a promotion for this."

Derek snatched the memory crystal from Arthur's desk, then dropped it on the floor and smashed it under the heel of a shiny shoe. "You won't be needing this."

I glanced back at Avia as the guards advanced. "These are dark times, like on the Meridian Space Station."

A single eyebrow lifted as her eyes met mine. She understood. "Yes, very dark."

By Avia's doing, the lights went out, immersing us in complete darkness. In the seconds until the emergency lights responded, I pushed Avia to the side and drew the palm stunner from my boot. Crouching as the emergency light provided dim illumination, I squeezed the trigger twice on the rod-shaped weapon. The silvery electrical stun bolts hit the guards square in their chests, and they shuddered before slumping to the floor.

During the commotion, Arthur grabbed a silver revolver from a desk drawer and pointed it at Derek — he always had a thing for antique weapons.

Derek's face paled as he raised his hands. "Now, Arthur... It was nothing personal, just business--"

I flinched as an echoing gunshot stole away any further words. With widened eyes and gaping mouth, Derek collapsed facedown to the floor, and a crimson pool formed around his chest.

Arthur pulled a deep breath while glaring down at his former partner. "It was personal to me."

It initially confused me that Avia showed no reaction to the killing, other than a tightening of lips. But then I realized she had witnessed much more death as a young girl than most did in a lifetime.

"A bit brutal, don't you think, Arthur?" I remarked.

"Karma," he replied with a grumble. Arthur turned moistened eyes up to me. "You and Barbee, or Avia, whatever, you need to get gone."

"What about you?" I asked.

Arthur answered with a dismissive wave. "Don't worry about me. I always have contingencies. Just go!"

After gathering up a guard's dropped stunner gun, I grasped Avia's hand and paced out of the office into the passageway, looking both ways. So far, the way was clear, but soon this area would swarm with security guards. "This way," I said, pointing back the way we came.

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