ZOOs and stuff

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Now, addressing the topic of zoophiles, it's crucial to emphasize a significant distinction: therians and zoophiles are two entirely separate concepts. Unfortunately, this distinction is often overlooked or misunderstood. Simply put, being a therian does not equate to being a zoophile, and vice versa.

Therianthropy is about identifying spiritually or psychologically with an animal or animals, whereas zoophilia involves s*xual attraction to animals. While it's true that some individuals within the therian community may also identify as zoophiles, it's essential to recognize that these are distinct aspects of their identities.

It's unfair and inaccurate to generalize all therians based on the actions or inclinations of a minority within the community. Just as not all humans share the same beliefs or behaviours, not all therians share the same identities or experiences. It's important to respect and acknowledge the diversity within the therian community, recognizing that each individual's journey is unique and valid/not valid in its own right.

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