Chapter 63

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"I trust him," Aaradhya said in a slow yet firm voice.

"What?" Aditya asked, not believing his daughter was answering him back in front of this man.

"I don't know about Arvind Uncle, Papa. But I trust him, more than I trust myself," she told her father sincerely. He needs to know it.  She has to make her side clear to her father. He may hate her after this. She may not be able to bear his hate but she cannot keep lying to herself and her family, anymore.

Abhi deserves better than this. And if he wants her then she is ready to become better for him. Even if it means going against the world. She won't step back this time.

"Why are you still standing here? Leave!" her father said looking at Abhi.

Abhi nodded and left giving a last glance to Aaradhya. He was feeling a mixture of worry, love, happiness and pride. He cannot remember when he felt this much happiness last time. Not even when he cracked his competitive exam. Watching his girl standing up for him was more than anything he could ask for. He went to his apartment, deciding to give them some privacy. But he would not let her father ruin things between them.

Aditya sat on the couch silently lost in his thoughts. What was so special about this boy that his little girl was ready to go against him? What if this is scum Arvind's sick plans or something? He came out of his thoughts when he saw a hand holding a glass of water in front of him. He looked up to meet her eyes.

"Can't you give him one chance to prove himself?" she asked slowly.

"You were our pride, Aaradhya. I never thought you would do something like this," he said, hurt visible in his voice.

"I am sorry," she whispered feeling shameful.

"Don't you know that Arvind?" he asked.

"Abhi is different. I swear. You can check that for yourself. If you want you can...."

"What if I never agree? You'll cut all ties with your family, and make us feel shameful in society? Just for someone you met a few years ago?"

"I cannot live cutting ties with you, Papa. You are my strength. Just one chance. Please..."

"Then ask him to cut all ties with his family," Aditya stated.

Aaradhya looked at him in shock.

"I cannot ask him to do that," she said.

"Why? His father is of no good, anyway."

"Still, he is his father. Abhi loves his mother and his brother. He cannot just cut them out of his life to be with me."

"Either of you has to do that. Decide it for yourself," her father said standing up and going towards the guest room. There is no way his daughter is going to be acquainted with that filth.

Aaradhya sat there trying to stop her tears for some time. She cannot ask Abhi to do this. She will not let him do that. This is not the solution. Her family has to understand them. She will try her best for it.


Aaradhya took some days off from the hospital. She doesn't want to leave her father alone here. She always wanted to keep her personal life away from her professional but she doesn't have the energy to go and treat others, at this time. She doesn't take many leaves so has plenty of them left anyway.

She went to call her father for dinner after setting the dining table. He has not left his room since the afternoon. And she had no courage to talk to him either.

After a few minutes, her father came and took a seat. She immediately started serving him, he did not deny either. After serving him she took a seat across from him and helped herself.

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