The Cruel Claw Wyvern

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9 days later, Xeno'jiiva made his way through hell.

It had taken some time to get used to this place, given its apocalyptic nature, but Xeno'jiiva learned to ignore the instinctive fear he felt here and preserved. He was adapting to its ways, just as the monsters here have.

But it wasn't perfect. The poisonous toxins here are lethal to Xeno'jiiva if exposed for too long. Making big fights in those areas impossible. Which is why Xeno'jiiva must draw out his opponents to avoid that.

Still, it's not like there aren't plenty of areas in the Rotten Vale that aren't submerged in Effluvium(the poisonous fog). And Xeno'jiiva has taken advantage of that. Hunting down Radobann, for example, was easier due to these areas.

However, his next target is immune to Effluvium, to some degree, and spends most of its time in its embrace. Shrouding it from Xeno'jiiva, who won't take the risk of fighting it there. Meaning that he must drag it out, or at least find some way to ignore Effluvium as well.

Unfortunately, he doesn't have time to find an antidote. So he'll drag it out, and kill Odogaron before it can return to those depths.


These past few days, he had studied it. He has seen it fight and knows how it moves. Moreover, he knows when it moves. So he waited. Waited until Odogaron ventured furthest from the poison, and pounced.

Metaphorically, that is.

Gathering bio-energy, he released a volley of blue fireballs. Made to hit Odogaron regardless of which way it dodged as Xeno'jiiva ran away. The beast followed, too angered not too, until both had made their way into a clearing.

Odogaron roared at Xeno'jiiva, not wasting a moment to attack. While Xeno'jiiva went on the defensive. Because unlike with the Anjanath, Odogaron is faster than he is. Much faster. Making his ranged attacks more viable than his physical ones.

The red beast leaped at him, but he stomped on the ground with his right foreleg. Imbuing the ground under Odogaron with erupting bio-energy. Knocking it back as it yelped in pain. Xeno'jiiva pushed forward. But Odogaron dodged his bombardment.

Unrelenting, Xeno'jiiva followed up with a ray that traced it throughout the room. Keeping Odoaron on its toes as dodged and weaved. Eventually getting close enough to swing its doubled claws at the dragon, hoping to draw blood.

But Xeno'jiiva flapped his wings filled with bio-energy and briefly halted the wyvern's movements with the shockwave. Allowing him to catch Odogaron in his maw and bite down on the monster's left shoulder. Drawing first blood as the beast screamed.

However, its claws found purchase in Xeno'jiiva's flesh in return. Forcing him to let go and throw Odogaron back. Sending the wyvern skidding against the ground as it inspected its wound: the dragon's teeth had pierced its scales.

And the beast's claws tore his flesh... Or at least, it had. The wound generated by Odoaron had already disappeared, healed by bio-energy. A feat allowed to Xeno'jiiva due to his "unnatural" physique, which allows him to fight as often as he does no matter what injuries he sustains in the fight beforehand.

It is the key to his growth.

And Odogaron couldn't care less!

Leaping forward, the beast began to rely on its agility. Jumping from wall to wall as it attacked. But Xeno'jiiva was ready for this. Every time it got close, he would force it back. Every time it attacked, he countered.

The fight continued like this, with the Odogaron keeping up its assault despite the wounds it gained. Perhaps knowing that Xeno'jiiva couldn't keep up his current output. That at some point he would run out of energy and give it an opening.

But in the end, before either could run out of energy or drop dead, a third monster made his appearance. Larger than any monster Xeno'jiiva has ever fought, it was a brute wyvern that stands on two powerful hind legs. Without a doubt, this is the Violent Wyvern: Deviljho.

Before either of them could react, the monstrous beast slammed both of them off the edge of the platform. Sending Xeno'jiiva and Odogaron down a floor, into an area filled Effluvium. The dragon tried to leave immediately - but the fanged wyvern wouldn't have it.

Odogaron dragged him back down before he could escape. Jumping off a wall to reach him in the air and attack him easily. Leaving Xeno no other choice but to fight in this place. Despite the poison already hurting him.

Once he touched the ground, the wyvern attacked with a swipe of its doubled claws. Xeno'jiiva sidestepped. Dodging its right paw and the left that followed soon after. Leaving Odogaron vulnerable to Xeno's energy blast that knocked it back.

The dragon pounced on Odogaron. He didn't have time to play defensive anymore. He ripped away at the beast in that moment, tearing apart its flesh. But Odogaron escaped his hold. Backing up with a roar that promised retribution.

Raising its left paw, Xeno'jiiva prepared for a swipe. But Odogaron went straight into a lounge with its mouth open wide. 'It tricked me!' The dragon realized to late and was unable to escape the attack. The beast's fangs pierced his left foreleg and nearly tore it off.

Xeno'jiiva roared in fury. His blue ray forcing Odogaron to jump back or be burned. Looking at his foot, he gathered his energy to heal it... but couldn't. The Effluvium has already taken its effect.

The dragon knew then that he had to finish this quickly. He no longer had any time to spare. The poison continues to rot his flesh and seep into his bones. With his regeneration gone, he knew what would go next: his bio-energy output. He has to win before that happens.

What followed was desperate. For the first time since the forest, he was afraid of losing. He was afraid of death. And that fear propelled him forward. Despite the fact he could barely walk at this point, he attacked Odogaron first.

The beast was ready for it. But it wasn't fast enough to avoid him. Not after the damage it has already taken. It barely managed to step out to the right when Xeno'jiiva's jaws pierced it's left foreleg. His own forelegs working to pin Odogaron down as he pulled and pulled.

Attempting to rip off the beast's leg. Making it roar in pain as it tore away at his left foreleg in return. Which was already damaged, the same way it's left shoulder was damaged. That wound allowed Xeno'jiiva to tear his leg off swiftly.

Odogaron howled at the loss but Xeno'jiiva continued his assault without stopping. Slamming his right foreleg onto the beast's chest, he gathered his remaining energy in a last ditch effort. If he couldn't kill it here, he would lose his ability to wield bio-energy and lose.

Fortunately, the wounds he delivered up to this point allowed the bio-energy ejected from his foot to pierce Odogaron's scales and flesh. Going all the way through as the beast roared one last time. Xeno'jiiva had no time to celebrate. He bit down on the corpse as soon as it touched the ground.

Tearing apart it's flesh from the bones until none was left. Devouring the creature entirely before he took flight and returned to his cave. Limping and stalling on his way there, still in so much pain. But he knew if he stopped that he would die. So he pushed forward and made it.

Collapsing not a moment latter as his bleeding flesh began to glow, faintly. By the time he woke up, he would be healed and stronger than ever. But this event would be seared in his mind forever. Till the end of time.

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