Teeny Tiny Crush

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He is from another department. And it was during our exams that he was seated next to me. I've seen him before, on the campus, here and there. I even had a small conversation with him a couple of days before the exams, about a competition his department was coordinating, as I was participating in it.

Last week, during our test Ms Jacob made him sit next to me, even though he was assigned a couple of seats behind, his original seat which he had occupied for the previous exam. The next day, instead of returning to his original seat, he walked over and sat next to me. He smiled, and I did too.

It was a special feeling, one I hadn't felt in a long time. He didn't do much just sitting next to me made my heart flutter even without realizing it. He made me a little self-conscious which I enjoyed. I wanted to look good and oh boy then I realized what I would do if I ever had a boyfriend and how I would take better care of my appearance. Since I don't have one, let's not think about it for now.

The next day too, he walked to me and settled down even though there were a bunch of empty seats. He smiled, and I did too. He wondered how I did on my tests and I replied. It was our last exam, he finished early and walked out handing the answer sheets.

I sat with a beautiful smile plastered on my face, not because we would meet again, but because he sure did make my three days fun. He would never know about this teeny tiny crush.

Maybe we would see again, he would pass me that beautiful smile of his and I would too. And he would walk by, hands intertwined with his girlfriend's. And again I would smile, remembering those three days and that teeny tiny crush. I would then turn around and walk away not wanting to look back or remember.

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