The feeling can be the healing

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The feeling can be the healing
written by AJCrazyEyes

The feeling

Can be the healing

Or can be the falling

Depends the meaning

We're gonna put

On our feeling's back

To trust

Can be the input

But if we don't improve

The rest of the process

It won't proceed

We can fall

Into a big trap

Cause if we don't check

If we don't think

Only following the flow

Following envy minds

Without respect

Our inner soul

Can be hidden

Behind the bad lies

So, the feeling

Can destroy

Can stop us from evolving

And create a spiral

Of overvaluation of pain

Where nothing makes sense

Turns into a conspiracy

That our ego commands

Then, our reason loses

Our feeling becomes complicit

The rest of the world is wrong

That's why

That whenever possible

We must seek balance

And make the feeling

Be a friend

Of the reason

So that our ego

Does not control us

Does not control our emotions

Even if we are scared

We must try

Finding our inner peace

And the genuine feeling

Must be an ally

To keep believing

And thinking

About our life's meaning

Because like I said

The feeling

Can be the healing

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