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-Jacob Pov-

I paused, my heart pounding in my chest. Was this some kind of sick joke?

J-You telling me this to piss me off or something? Was it a setup so you could get her?

The thoughts raced through my mind, fueling my already simmering anger.

Wu held up his hands in a placating gesture.

W-Chill, man. I can see it on your face, you think I had something to do with your girl being taken. My selfish brother wouldn't even let me near her.

I poured myself a shot, seeking to dull the pain, but before I could bring it to my lips, a small, blonde woman snatched it from my hand.

I poured myself a shot, seeking to dull the pain, but before I could bring it to my lips, a small, blonde woman snatched it from my hand

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?I think you've had enough

She said, her tone stern.

J-Who the hell are you?

I demanded, my brow furrowed in confusion.

?-That's sad, you don't remember me. We did a shoot together

She replied, a knowing smile playing on her lips.

Wu chuckled, draping an arm around the woman's shoulders.

W-She's one of my girls, and a real fan of yours. She was happy when you finally got rid of those other girls.

The woman, Sadie McKenna, as she introduced herself, leaned in closer, her voice dripping with false sweetness.

S-Especially that Lai woman. She didn't know how to fuck you properly or do as she was told. Not like how I could. I have been worried u are gonna dig urself into a deep hole and hit rock bottom-

J-too late sweetheart. I'm already there-

S-u can stay there or u can let me take care of u. Let me be ur toy and ur video prop. Who doesn't like a small petite blonde? I can be bigger than y/n.

I arched a brow, feeling a twisted sense of pride.

J-Her type of 'big' you can't achieve. Physically, that is

I retorted, chuckling at my own jab.

Sadie's eyes narrowed, and in a sudden move, she captured my lips in a hungry kiss, her hand stroking my growing arousal through my pants.


I glanced at Wu, who watched the display with a knowing grin.

W-Good, isn't she? I wanna work with you, Jacob, but I need you to get back to yourself. She can help you. We all will help you. Now, I'm not saying you have to quit the dr*gs, because look at me. I'm doing better than anyone in here, and I can make you that

Wu said, his tone almost fatherly.


I hummed, lost in the sensations Sadie was eliciting.

W-You're gonna be so good. Doing so well that Y/n won't be able to resist

Wu continued, his words striking a chord within me.

I paused, the memory of Y/n's final words to me echoing in my mind.

"I never got to really see this side of you. And since it's our last, it's only right. I love you, Jacob, but I hope you understand."

J-So, what, you wanna use me to get to her?

I asked, narrowing my eyes suspiciously.

Wu shook his head, a sly grin spreading across his face.

W-No, I wanna help you get her back. You have her, that's what you want, right? When we get her, then you and her can do all the videos you want. I just wanna film and get some of the profits.

I pondered his proposal, my mind clouded by the dr*gs and Sadie's persistent ministrations.

Was this really a good idea? This could potentially backfire in the worst way, but the temptation of having Y/n back, of reclaiming what was mine, was too strong to resist.

Sadie pulled back, shifting to kneel in front of me, her eyes locked with mine.

S-Until then, you have me. I am yours to do as you wish. I'm here to help you...with anything you need

She purred, her hands tracing the outline of my straining erection.

Wu leaned in, a conspiratorial glint in his eye.

W-You mind if she moves in with you?

I hesitated, unsure of the implications. This could be the start of something dangerous, yet the prospect of having Sadie, a willing and obedient plaything, at my beck and call was undeniably tempting.

And if Wu's plan to reunite me with Y/n somehow succeeded, it would all be worth it.

J-I...I suppose that would be fine

I relented, my resolve crumbling under the combined persuasion of the dr*gs, Sadie's seduction, and the promise of reclaiming Y/n.

Sadie's face lit up with a triumphant grin, and she quickly stood, pressing a searing kiss to my lips.

S-Thank you, Jacob. You won't regret this, I promise.

Wu clapped his hands together, a satisfied expression on his face.

W-Excellent. I'll have her move in tonight. You two get reacquainted, and we'll start planning our next move.

As Sadie dragged me out of the VIP lounge and into a waiting car, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease settling in the pit of my stomach.

Was I truly ready to go down this path, to risk everything for the chance to reclaim Y/n?

The big b¡tch seemed better without me anyway.

The lines between love and obsession were blurring, and I wasn't sure I had the strength to pull myself back from the brink.

But the allure of Y/n, of having her back in my life, was too strong to ignore.

I would do whatever it took, even if it meant embracing the darkness that had been steadily consuming me.

This was my last chance, and I refused to let it slip through my fingers.

As Sadie's hands roamed my body, I closed my eyes, trying to imagine it was Y/n's touch, her soft skin, her gentle caresses.

In that moment, I made my decision– I would do whatever it took to get her back.

My original plan was to wait but it seems she's happy so now I have no choice.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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