Pearce my skin

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The car came to a roaring halt as the woman pushed down on the brake, The car violently rocked as she made a sharp turn to avoid hitting the girl full-on. The side of the car still hit her, and she fell to the ground as her mind could not register the car coming toward her in time.Her head fell onto the concrete, and she was out cold. The car was filled with heavy pants as the boy and woman had to take a few seconds to take in what had just happened, but as the gravity "of the situation sank in, they both unbuckled their seat belts and jumped out of the car to aid the injured girl.

"Miss!" The woman exclaimed as she shot down to help the girl, her fingers reflexively reaching to feel for a pulse. "Phew, she's still breathing..." The woman sighed. Y/n stood a meter away, his eyes strayed to the younger woman's arms, they were full of small cuts with glass pieces and her wrists were heavily bruised and bleeding. She looked worn out, her cheeks were hollow, and her complexion was eerily pale, indicating a lack of sun for a long time. Her body looked like it had been deprived of proper nutrition. these signs all raised red flags in his mind.

"We need to call an ambulance," His mother said she stood up from her kneeling position and took out her phone to dial the emergency number. She walked to the side to speak with the operator. Y/n stood still, observing the girl, 'She looks...familiar' The boy squinted his eyes as he took in her appearance and tried to remember where he'd seen her before. Suddenly, it clicked, the puzzle pieces wrapped together.

'That's.." his eyes sparked with concern and anger, someone had done this to her. Someone vile. He turned toward his mother. "Mom..." The woman put up a hand. the boy sighed and took a deep inhale "THAT'S AVERY EMMONS!" he shouted. The woman pulled the device away from her ear and stared at her son, dumbfounded, before her gaze lowered to the girl on the ground. It was silent.

"Oh gods..." The woman stammered, she put a hand to her mouth in shock. She turned her head back to speak with the operator. and after a while, she hung up. The woman stayed on the spot. "Y/n go sit in the car, an ambulance with come soon, I have to stay til they come here." Y/n looked at his mother, then at the girl-- Avery, who was lying on the ground and bit the inside of his cheek. "okay.." he muttered before walking back to the car and closing the door.

He tightened his lips into a line and ran a hand down his face. There was nothing he could do now but wait. 'What is happening to this town?'



After what felt like an eternity, an ambulance showed up. Paramedics stepped out of the vehicle and pulled out a stretcher, Two paramedics lifted up Avery, set her down on the stretcher, and rolled her into the ambulance. One worker stayed behind to talk with Y/n's mother. "Detective Evans, we will contact Sheriff Whitelock, and we would urge you to come to the hospital as soon as possible as well." The paramedic advised."I will see to it that I come to the hospital as soon as I can." The paramedic bowed their head in respect.

The woman watched as the ambulance drove away and then went to her car and stepped into it, putting the keys in the engine. Y/n glimpsed at the driver, 'Would it be a bad time to tell her, I 'told you so' The boy moved his gaze away to avoid the temptation to parade his mother. "You were right." She muttered, "What?" his mother tightened her grip on the stirring wheel "You were right about Avery," she repeated Y/n stared out vacantly, all the previous things he wanted to spew out disappeared on his tongue, "uh-huh." He couldn't seem to get out anything else, everything died down in his mouth.

The woman let out a deep exhale "I will let you inside, but then I have to be on my way." Y/n didn't verbally respond and kept looking out to the road ahead.

MONOMANIA [Yandere Serial Killers X M! reader]Where stories live. Discover now