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He bought me that dress.

I was so dumfounded to react as he grabbed my wrist and grabbing that shopping bag, he dragged me with him. A black colored expensive car was already waiting for us at the main entrance.
I sat as soon as he opened the gate for me. There wasn’t any driver or guard with us as he came around to sit on the driver’s seat while I was just baffled about what was happening. He didn’t scold or anything that I was expecting. Might be he was waiting for us to reach home so he could get his way with me. A wave of fear started to course through my veins as I scolded myself internally for letting Areej and Suzi take me. Now they were also on his red list just because of me.

I couldn’t help but glance at him through my peripheral vision to see his knuckles turning white while clutching the steering wheel. He was definitely furious about everything as his jaw as sharp as a blade was clenched in a tight grip as if he wanted to grind someone between his molars.

The least that I could do for myself at that time was keeping my mouth shut and pray for my well-being. I glanced at him again as he was acting like I wasn’t even present in the car when he took a sharp turn while turning the steering wheel with his one hand and running his fingers to make hir hair disheveled with the other hand.

“Go inside.” He ordered as soon as we reached the mansion before storming his car away from there. I just looked at the retreating car in surprise as I was type of relieved that he didn’t come inside with me.

The way he just came to drop me off made me realize that he just left his work only to capture me red-handed while doing shopping with those girls. I entered inside to see Suzi safe and sound while Areej had already gone to her place.

“Literally! He bought you this.” Suzi was amazed to hear what he did as she gave me a mischievous wink which I didn’t understand but she clearly didn’t want to elaborate that.

“What was that?” I asked as she made my dress hang in the wardrobe of my room.

“You’ll see I guess.” She said as she sent a picture of the dress in one of her chat groups.

The group was named The Victims and it turned out the members were Suzi, Imran, Zaroon Bhai, Muzamil Bhai and Areej. I made her explain that to me when we moved downstairs to prepare dinner.

“You are victims of what?” I asked.

“Victims of your husband’s brutality. It’s basically to talk shit about him.” She answered in a chirp voice as she sounded so proud of that.

“That’s not a good thing.” I narrowed my eyes at her as she just laughed.

“Oh? Is the wife being defensive?” She teased me as I couldn’t help but turn crimson.

“No, it’s wrong to talk about him like that and he isn’t my husband.” I was washing rice when Imran entered the kitchen with a box in his hand.

“Ma’am…Sir sent this for you. I have already inserted a new SIM in that. You can check it.” Imran made me stop the work as I glanced at the latest model phone in his hand while there was a laptop in his other hand.

I took the phone from his hand as I mumbled a thanks to him. Everything was already set in the phone as there was a message unread from someone named Mr. Perfect. I opened the chat in a confused state to read the message.

Next time, call me from your own phone.

My heart skipped a beat as I realized who this Mr. Perfect was. I found it endearing and cocky at the same time as how could he call himself Mr. Perfect. Nobody’s perfect. Ugh! He was so full of himself. I decided to change the name but left this task for some other time. It required a lot of thinking.

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