Part 1: Rainy day

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It was a rainy day.

Fleegle was home alone, laying in bed.

It was raining outside and everyone had left to do whatever it was that they had to do. Before they left, fleegle had prayed that it would start raining and they would all get soaking wet and have no way to come back home. That way he could have the whole house to himself for a full day. And it rained, so he assumed that he got lucky and his prayers were answered. Now all he had to do was hope that no one came home. But just as he thought that he suddenly heard a loud noise, making him jerk up in his bed and look around

"Damnit bingo..."

*fleegle muttered as he reluctantly got up and walked to the front door, where he saw bingo breaking it down with his axe. He felt his anger boiling as he watched it happen, he wished this man was dead.*


*bingo stopped almost immediately as fleegle yelled, taking his axe out of the door to look at him through the hole in it. Fleegle took a deep breath to calm himself down, not wanting to yell again since his throat was already hurting from bingo choking him a few weeks back.

Fleegle: "What are you doing?"

Bingo: "Breaking the door"


Bingo: "I forgot my key"

Fleegle: "I was home, bingo. You could've called my phone and asked me to unlock the door."

Bingo: "Couldn't, I left my phone here."

Fleegle: "Ok, well does the doorbell not work or something?"

Bingo: "Actually it doesn't apparently, I ringed it 5 times and no one came. What a shame."

*fleegle gritted his teeth, he hasn't heard bingo ringing the doorbell because he was to focused in his own thoughts until it was to late and bingo resorted to his horrible actions of getting inside.*

Fleegle: "STOP breaking the door, bingo. Your axe is getting annoying and so is the fact that I have to keep getting the door fixed every time you do this shit. Do you know how much it cost? No, you don't. Because I'M the one who's always paying for it while you go do something else destructive. Because of you, the door fixers could buy a yacht if they wanted to."

Bingo: "Don't be dramatic, it's not that serious."

Fleegle: "Fuck you bingo."

Bingo: "I'll pay to get the door fixed."

Fleegle: "Bullshit"

*fleegle walked away as he gritted his teeth and clenched his first, he couldn't stand bingo anymore. at first it made sense because he didn't wanna be stuck outside, but now, fleegle feels like he's doing it just for the fun of it. But it was only fun to him, not everyone else. He heard bingo call out to him, but he ignored it and went in his room, slamming the door behind him. He couldn't stand that guy, it didn't make it any better that he could absolutely demolish fleegle if he wanted to. And he would if fleegle said the wrong thing to him. He just wanted to be alone, not with this guy. And then it popped in his mind: he was now home alone with him. Everyone else was still gone for god knows how long. Fleegle mentally cursed himself out, wishing he had never prayed that it would rain and that everyone would get soak and wet from it. Bingo never got the bad luck that fleegle wished upon him, it's like he was god's favorite. He didn't see how, he was just a bitch who couldn't control his anger. Fleegle sighed as he walked over to his bed and jumped on it face first. Not saying anything as he buried his face into his pillow. He hated life, he didn't see the meaning in it. It was just...hopeless. Fleegle soon drifted of into a deep sleep, finally being able to relax again after dealing with bingo.

665 words! Wow, that's shitty. But hey, at least I did something. Hope you enjoyed this thing.

By the way, if you add my story to your reading list, make sure it's private😉

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