All things beautiful

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Often in our humdrum busy routine
we forget to give a glance...
a glance at everything dear
a glance at many things near
a glance for some things common
a glance at few things rare

Often in our fast paced lives
we forget to peek...
a peek at how our neighbours are doing
a peek at the gushy river flowing
a peek at a simple dewdrop
a peek at the fallen log

Often in the rush of our everyday lives
we forget to glean...
glean the rushing of the time
glean the mystery of rhyme
glean the long lost lores
glean the reason for many closed doors

Often as time flows past
we forget to see...
see the ordinary things in life
see the extraordinary cutting of a knife
see a simple smile
see the cause for going the extra mile

Wake up and open your eyes
beauty and illuminance are in your sight!

Just a sing-songy poem the way I like it! Hope you do too..

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