oldie twin

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Confused at what her grandfather said aera tilted her head sideways only to come in eye contact with a man of her fathers age.

He was well built with body that carry's dark aura.

The man screamed power but nothing that aera has not seen after living for so many days with her family.

Not only this but the man looked just like she imagined him to be

Just like she was told ....

" Uncle? " Aera said, still shocked seeing her uncle in front of her.

" What uncle? "

" You know me "

Both her grandfather and her uncle said together. But different was there actions

Her grandfather looked confused or maybe angry whereas her uncle looked happy, as if he got his favourite candy.

Smiling, aera walked towards him, long forgotten about everything that happened today.

All she saw was her uncle.

Her mother's brother whom her mother referred as oldie twin

And she can see why.

From her mother's journal she got to know about him.

A person who is 2 years older than her mother but still looks like her twin and that's why she named her oldie twin.

Hugging her uncle tightly aera let a tear slip from her eyes.

She found her mother's brother.

She didn't know why but his hug felt as if she was hugging her mother even though she never got a chance to do so.


It was similar case with him as well. Mr lee felt as if he got his sister back. His neice was just as he imagined his sister's daughter to be.

She looked like his sister and mother in many ways.

She looked like every lee family member.

Mr lee's syes teared up as he hugged her, bringing her close to his chest.

" My baby " He spoke in light whisper but was heard by aera who smiled softly and looked at him with teary lashes.


Looking at this aera's grandfather shocked.

He didn't know what was happening in front of him

He didn't know how his granddaughter knew his rival

Not only this but it was rare sight for him to see the boss of lee clan cry out in public.

He was once a cheerful guy .well more like a cheerful kid because thats when Mr kim last saw him, he was 5 year old when Mr kim and Mr lee ( aeras maternal  grandfather) decided to go seperate ways.

Mr lee that he knew was known to hide his emotions after the tragic happened with lee family.

" How do you know him? " Aera's grandfather brought them out of there world making them step out of hug.

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